Rebekah Josberger, Ph.D.
Dr. Josberger is passionate about Old Testament studies and biblical languages, particularly Hebrew. Her goal is for students to learn to read and understand the Word for themselves, whether in Hebrew or English, so that they better know its Author. She loves the environment at Multnomah because it allows her to pursue her interests while pouring into the lives of students. Since her arrival in 2009, Dr. Josberger has focused on developing a solid Hebrew program that enables students to learn Hebrew well enough to use it for personal growth and ministry. She is especially delighted by the unexpected growth and community among the students. To be a Hebrew student here is to be a part of a growing ‘Hebrew family.’ Now that the Hebrew program is well-established, she is pursuing research and writing on her favorite portion of Scripture, namely biblical Torah. Her work focuses on helping the church to understand the role of Torah as an invitation to know God by imitating his character. This work builds on the findings of her dissertation, “Between Rule and Responsibility: The Role of the Father as Agent of Righteousness in Deuteronomy’s Domestic Ideology.”
The only thing she loves more than her job is her family. She is married to a man that she respects, admires, enjoys, and just plain adores more than anyone else in the world. Together they have four children, Mia who is married to Nik, Amanda, Emily, and Haven James.