Jessup University’s Center for Bible Study provides high-quality, accessible Bible education for all.
Learn to read the Bible in its historical context with pastoral sensitivity to the most pressing issues of our day. Our teachers are biblical scholars who are deeply committed to the life of the local Church.
We’ll even come to you! If you’re interested in hosting, we can facilitate seminars and classes at local churches in the greater Sacramento area.
All classes are available on campus and online via Zoom. If the timing of a class doesn’t fit your schedule, no problem! All CBS classes are recorded, so you can participate remotely any time.

Join our upcoming lecture series
The Center for Bible Study’s Through the Wilderness Course Series
by Dr. Max Botner
WHEN: Tuesday, March 11th, 18th, 25th & Tuesday, April 1st 2025
7:00pm – 8:30pm PST
WHERE: Jessup University Campus (CROSS102) OR over Zoom*
The Letter “To the Hebrews” might be the most powerful sermon ever preached! Written to encourage an uncertain audience, it calls believers to hold fast to Christ, the true high priest and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Like Israel in the wilderness, the early church faced trials, doubts, and the temptation to turn back. But Hebrews urges them—and us—to press on toward God’s rest in the world to come.
Lecture I (3/11): God Has Spoken by His Son
Description: Hebrews opens with the bold declaration that God has spoken definitively through Jesus, the one in whom heaven and earth come together.
Lecture II (3/18): Wilderness and Warning
Description: As a wilderness people, we face the dangers of doubt and drifting. This week, we’ll reflect on Hebrews’ urgent call to perseverance.
Lecture III (3/25): High Priest, Sacrifice, and Covenant
Description: At the heart of Hebrews is Jesus as our high priest and perfect sacrifice. We will explore the deep connections between the Old Testament sacrificial system and Christ’s atoning work.
Lecture IV (4/1): Following in the Footsteps of the Faithful Son
Description: The journey of faith requires endurance. In our final session, we will look at the great “cloud of witnesses” and Christ himself, who leads us to the finish line.
*The Zoom link will be sent out to all who request for it shortly before the first session.
*You may also request to receive a recording of the course which will be sent to you once the series has finished.
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Meet our Faculty

Dr. Max Botner (Director)
Dr. Max Botner has served as a lecturer and researcher in the US, UK, and Germany. His primary research interests include Jewish exegetical practices, ancient messianism and early Christology, and early Jewish and Christian sacrificial theologies. Above all, he is passionate about training students, clergy, and lay leaders to know and embody the biblical story. Currently, Max serves as Associate Professor for the School of Theology & Leadership at Jessup.
Max and his wife Jessica are Northern California natives and Jessup alumni. They have four children and currently reside in Lincoln, CA.

Rev. Peter Rodgers (Founder)
Rev. Peter Rodgers holds degrees from Hobart College, General Theological Seminary, and Oxford University. He has served as Professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary and as Rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Antelope, CA.
Rev. Rodgers is a seasoned New Testament textual critic and a passionate advocate for biblical studies in the local Church. He founded CBS over a decade ago “to encourage people to be involved in the study of the Scriptures with others in the life of the Church and to raise up leaders to facilitate Bible study in their churches.”
“ Max Botner is one of the bright lights of the new generation of biblical scholars. He is well equipped to bring encouragement and challenge through fresh biblical ideas, carefully researched and clearly expressed.”
Rt. Rev. N.T. Wright
Former Bishop of Durham; Emeritus Professor of New Testament & Early Christianity, University of St. Andrews; Senior Research Fellow, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford“I am a better Theologian, Pastor, and Teacher because of the time I spent with Dr. Max Botner!”
Dwight L. Gutridge, MABS
Presiding Elder of the New Rising Western Michigan District, Pastor of Saint Luke A.M.E. Zion Church (The House of Healing)Support the Center for Bible Study
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