Matthew loves teaching students the biblical storyline that begins with creation and culminates in new creation; and he is passionate about helping students shape their identity and purpose in light of God’s story. Currently, his research, writing, and teaching focus on new creation, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, Lukan Christology, and environmental ethics. He is thrilled to be part of the Christ-centered mission of Jessup, to work alongside knowledgeable, humble, and passionate colleagues, and to serve such incredible students.
Current Work
- Article titled, “Luke’s Use of Isaiah 40 in Luke 3:1-18,”
- Presentation titled, “Marriage and New Creation: Paul’s Use of Genesis 2:24 in Ephesians 5:31-32,”
- book proposal for a book (presently) titled, My Identity and God’s Great Story: Becoming My Future Self Now.