

The Jessup footprint continues to expand as our alumni prove to be difference-makers in our ever-changing world. Our alumni are reaching those in prison, homeless or marginalized, and driving programs to support diversity, equity and inclusion. With tenacity to endure, Jessup alumni remain on track to shine the light of Christ wherever they go.

Alumni Updates

Check out the latest alumni updates. From career to pastoral to residential moves, read on to learn what some of our favorite people have been doing all for His glory!

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Brooke Drewry

Reflecting on her Jessup experience, alumna Brooke Drewry put it this way, “Jessup made such a difference in my life, I just want to be able to give back, however I can.” Drewry came to...

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Living Her Dream Built on a Jessup Foundation

HOLLI PRUHSMEIER Most people don’t describe their job replete with adventure, and most don’t have the opportunity to fly in a helicopter for work. But alumna Holli Pruhsmeier does. She works for ACRT Pacific, a...

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Rodney Tabares

God created each of us in His image, as unique individuals. These differences are designed to make us better together. From a business standpoint, diversity is paramount for any organization to achieve growth, innovation and...

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