

Bachelor of Arts

Jessup’s Bachelor of Arts in Theatre is an immersive, pre‐professional training ground for theatre practitioners. This program offers specializations in Acting, Musical Theatre, Theatre Design and Technology, and Theatre Management. From backstage to onstage, you will learn how to create theatre from concept to performance in a department valuing a hands-on, entrepreneurial approach to theatrical storytelling.





The mission of the B.A. in Theatre program is to produce students who are highly employable theatre artists, Christian leaders, entrepreneurs, and skilled craftsmen who are capable of vast, positive influence in the arts, media, and entertainment. Jessup Theatre is a four‐year training ground preparing you to make a unique contribution to the art form. Join the program that patrons are calling “the most irresistible experience in theatre from Tahoe to San Francisco.”

> Develop and articulate an informed theological aesthetic and possess the ability to apply it to theatrical practice.

> An increased knowledge of the history of theatre.

> The ability to effectively analyze the theatre text from an informed artistic sensibility as viewed through the lens of a Judeo-Christian worldview.

> Cultivate technical skill sets for theatrical performance, production, and management.

> Demonstrate proficient strategy and skill in engaging the professional theatrical community.

Program Specializations

Theatre Design and Technology
Theatre Management
Musical Theatre

Program Courses

  • Major Courses (9 Units): The following courses are part of the requirement for this major and are recommended to fulfill general education requirements.
    • THE241 | Theatre History I: Greeks to the Restoration
    • THE242 | Theatre History II: The Restoration to the Contemporary
    • BUS242 | Personal Finance
  • Core Courses (26 Units)
    • CART101 | The Creative Christian
    • THE105 | Introduction to the Theatre Profession
    • THE106 | Introduction to Technical Theatre
    • THE160a | Acting I – Fundamentals
    • THE172 | Practicum
    • THE250 or ART351 | Voice and Diction or Two-Dimensional Design
    • THE345 | Text Analysis
    • THE498 | Professional Preparation in Performance, Production, or Management
    • THE475 or THE477 | Professional Experience or Senior Project in Theatre

Theatre Specialization: Students must choose a specialization listed below.

  • Acting Specialization (27 units)
    • THE230 | Movement for the Stage
    • THE260 | Acting II – Realism
    • THE360 | Acting III – Shakespeare
    • THE460 | Acting IV – Screen Acting
    • THE468 | Directing for the Stage
  • Theatre Design and Technology Specialization (12 units)
    • THE217 | Stage Management
    • THE311 | Lighting Design
    • THE313 | Set Design
    • THE315 | Costume Design
    • THE468 | Directing for the Stage
    • Theatre Electives
  • Theatre Management Specialization (27 units)
    • ART335 | Web Design and Presence
    • BUS260 | Business Law
    • BUS320 | Marketing
    • LDRS360 | Nonprofit Leadership
    • BUS385 | Project Management
    • Theatre Electives
  • Musical Theatre Specialization (27 units)
    • THE230 | Movement for the Stage
    • THE260 | Acting II – Realism
    • THE331 | Ballet
    • THE332 | Jazz
    • THE333 | Tap
    • THE334 or THE335 | Musical Theatre Dance or Swing and Social Dance
    • THE360 | Acting III – Shakespeare
    • THE365 | Musical Theatre Workshop
    • THE460 | Acting IV – Screen Acting

To view all courses and course descriptions, please see our current Academic Catalog.

Theatre Minor Courses (23 units)

  • CART101 | The Creative Christian
  • THE106 | Introduction to Technical Theatre
  • THE160b | Acting I
  • THE172 | Practicum
  • THE241 | Theatre History I: From the Greeks to the Restoration or THE242 | Theatre History II: From the Restoration to the Contemporary or THE345 | Text Analysis
  • Theatre electives (Choose three)(9 units)

To view all courses and course descriptions, please see our current Academic Catalog.

The nature and purpose of the arts at Jessup University is:

  • To illuminate truth about the human condition
  • To tell redemptive and transformative stories, both edifying and cautionary, that examine our relationship with God and one another
  • To bring beauty into a fallen world
  • To serve the world through sacrifice of one’s own talents toward the betterment of society and culture
  • To create an authentic community of diverse individuals that join together for a common purpose
  • To invest in imagination, hope, and healing through the power of creation and the creative spirit

Our response to the statement:

  • We will examine all forms, genres and styles of artistry in order to understand and explore the human condition
  • We will survey all types of stories to witness the artist journey and message
  • We will engage in thoughtful and moral artistic practice
  • We will participate in serving the world through the creation of art
  • We will work together with respect and encouragement to challenge and cultivate each other as individual artists in the body of Christ
  • We will foster an environment where creativity is encouraged, ideas are embraced, and truthful expression is not limited.

Support the Theatre program as we educate transformational leaders who are capable of vast, positive, influence in the arts, media, and entertainment.

Select Jessup Theatre in the Gift Designation dropdown.

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Jessup Theatre Scholarship

Interested in a theatre scholarship? Scholarships are available for majors, minors, and non-majors who wish to be involved in the theatre department. Please email to schedule your audition. A current student will connect with you to answer any questions you might have and find a time during the week that would work for you to audition. After the audition, there will be a brief interview with a theatre faculty member where you can ask any questions you might have about the program and share your dreams for the future.

Audition Requirements:

  1. Headshot (or photo) and Resume (or list of previous theatre experience)
  2. 1 minute monologue (preferably from a play)
  3. 30 seconds of a song (if you sing). You may also perform 30 seconds of a dance or submit a video of you dancing (if you dance). If you do not sing or dance, you may just do the monologue.

Theatre Program Chair, Associate Professor - School of Humanities & the Arts and Artistic Director of Jessup Theatre

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Program Advisor - Theatre; Associate Professor - School of Humanities & the Arts

Beth Litwak, MFA

Theatre Production Manager, Assistant Professor - School of Humanities & the Arts

Rob Gore, MFA

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Liz Stanley Ph.D.

Adjunct Faculty

Lorin Miller, M.A.

Adjunct Faculty

Robin Lillie, MBA

Adjunct Faculty

Kayla Johnston

Adjunct Faculty

Brittany Cody-Bays

Adjunct Faculty

Tony Gabrielson

Adjunct Faculty

Marianne Savell, MFA

Adjunct Faculty

Anne Merino

Adjunct Faculty

The Jessup Theatre Production Team

Guest Artists

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Theatre Alum, Kelly Ann Dunn, Dreams Big for Her Students

Kelly Ann Dunn is an artistic director and one of Jessup’s own. A Theatre alum with a passion for compelling storytelling, she founded KD Studios, a…

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