Master of Arts in Leadership


Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL)

Jessup’s fully online Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) program equips students to be transformational leaders in the marketplace and the Church. It is affordable, career-focused, and Christ-centered. As a student, you’ll gain insights and develop skills you can apply immediately at work and in ministry. Built on Christian beliefs and values, the program focuses on personal development and leadership skills. Graduates of the program bring ethical leadership to churches, nonprofit organizations, and businesses. For those seeking personal and professional development as transformational leaders, the MAL is an ideal program.


  24 – 36 MONTHS



Jessup’s Master of Arts in Leadership program is a fully online graduate degree that equips students to be transformational leaders in the Church and marketplace. As a student, you’ll gain insights and develop skills you can apply immediately at work and in ministry. Built on Christian beliefs and values, the program focuses on personal development and leadership skills, and graduates bring Christ-centered leadership to churches, nonprofit organizations, and businesses.

The Christian Ministry Concentration includes five courses to help you transition into the next level of leadership in a church or parachurch ministry. Similarly, the Executive Coaching Concentration includes five courses to help you practice coaching skills within the marketplace. The program also includes a Capstone Project where you’ll develop research and writing skills while applying the best of your learning to a workplace project.


The Kern Scholar Program allows students can complete two degrees at an accelerated pace and become skilled leaders in ministry. Visit the School of Theology & Leadership page for more information.

Upon successful completion of the MA in Leadership, students will be able to:

  • Articulate core leadership principles.

  • Demonstrate strategic leadership competencies.

  • Integrate leadership within their chosen concentration or field.

  • Fulfill the outcomes and objectives associated with their concentration.

Program Concentrations

Ministry Concentration

Executive Coaching Concentration

Foundational Courses | 6 units
The following courses are required as co-requisites for the Christian Ministry Concentration, unless students have comparable credits at the undergraduate level.

  • BIBL500 | Old Testament Foundations

  • BIBL505 | New Testament Foundations

  • BIBL510 | The Art of Intepretation

Core Leadership Courses | 22 units

  • LDRS500 | Personal Life of the Leader 

  • LDRS501 | Strategic Leadership Foundations 

  • LDRS513 | Transformational Leadership

  • LDRS530 | Diversity & Global Leadership

  • LDRS543 | Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

  • LDRS521 | Leadership & Communication

  • LDRS560 | Organizational Leadership

  • LDRS561 | Team Leadership & Conflict Management

  • LDRS642 | Unleashing Creativity

  • MIN520 | Managing Stress/Avoid Burnout

  • MIN523 | Heritage & Leadership

Ministry Concentration Courses | 10 credits

  • MIN530 | Hearing God

  • MIN531 | Spiritual Disciplines

  • MIN551 | Justice and Mission

  • THEO586 | Church Life and Leadership

  • THEO680 | Leadership: Vocation and Calling

Executive Coaching Concentration Courses | 10 credits

  • LDRS502 | Introduction to Coaching

  • LDRS562 OR 572 | Coaching for Leaders & Managers OR Coach as Story-Listener^

  • LDRS670 | Coaching for Change

  • LDRS503 | Building a Coaching Toolbox

  • LDRS675 | Supervised Coaching Practicum*

    ^LDRS562 Coaching for Leaders and Managers requires students to demonstrate that they have current supervisory relationships. LDRS572 Coach as Story-listener does not require students to have supervisory relationships.

    *Students pay coaches for coaching sessions, in addition to tuition and course materials.

Capstone Project | 4 units

  • LDRS698 | This course marks the culmination of the program, and gives the student an opportunity to synthesize their learning throughout the program into a single, life-related project. Students will demonstrate their research, communication, personal development, and leadership skills in this capstone experience.

  • 3.0 Cumulative GPA

    • If less than 3.0, include an explanation of prior performance and describe the experiences and skills you believe indicate your ability to succeed at the graduate level.

  • Personal Statement

    • Please upload a personal statement essay of 500 words on why this program is valuable for your ministry.

  • 2 Letters of Recommendation

  • The Executing Coaching concentration requires students to have current supervisory relationships. Applicants will need to provide the names of individuals they are supervising in an organization related to work, ministry, athletics, or volunteer service

  • Bachelor’s Degree from Regionally Accredited Institution

  • Official Transcripts

  • Christian Ministry Concentration corequisites include New Testament, Old Testament, Art of Interpretation (Hermeneutics)

  • TOEFL may be required for international students

Dave Heitman, Ed.D.

Lead Faculty

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Associate Dean, Associate Professor, School of Theology & Leadership

Associate Professor, School of Theology & Leadership

Associate Professor, School of Theology & Leadership

Assistant Professor, School of Theology & Leadership

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