Stacy Heinricks | Student Story
As God walks with us through our darkest moments, He often leads us to a stronger version of ourselves, all for His glory. Jessup nursing student and cancer survivor Stacy Heinricks has walked this path before. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017, her world was turned upside down. “During treatment, I was afraid I wouldn’t survive and wanted my children to have
someone to look to, if I were gone,” she said. “I realized this was Jesus calling me back to Him. I found a local church where my family attended the next Sunday. After the service, the pastor’s wife came up to us and introduced herself. It was from that moment on that we gave our lives to Christ.”
Six months after Heinrick’s diagnosis, her mother received a cancer diagnosis, unfortunately, losing her battle in January of 2021. “As I was caring for her during her final moments, I was able to comfort and introduce her to Christ. It was the most powerful moment in my life letting my mother know she need not be afraid because Jesus was waiting for her. She died knowing Christ, and at peace.”
Not long after her mother’s passing, Heinricks sensed God calling her to become a nurse. “I know it sounds strange but cancer gave me the opportunity to pursue nursing,” she said. “When my mom went on hospice care, I knew nursing was my calling.”
A recipient of five scholarships, Heinricks saw God working in all aspects of her journey to Jessup. “Receiving the scholarships was an affirmation of my calling. For me, it solidified that I heard God’s call accurately and that I am doing the right thing.” Without assistance from these much needed scholarships, Heinricks may not have been able to attend.
For the past 15 years, Heinricks worked in the administrative side of the healthcare industry as a program coordinator for trauma patients at Kaiser. With a bachelor’s degree in health science under her belt, she credits her prior experience in preparing her for the academic rigor first semester nursing students face.
As part of the diverse, tight-knit 29-member inaugural nursing cohort, she put it this way, “We are competitive, but very supportive of one another. We spend a lot of time together. If we aren’t in class or clinicals, we are studying together. We want to see everyone do their best and we celebrate our wins together.”
Having the opportunity to train in Jessup’s state-of-the-art simulation labs is another bonus. “We have an amazing learning environment here on campus,” she said. “I am convinced that our cohort is going to make some of the best nurses out there. I have friends in other nursing programs and when we compare notes, I recognize the top-notch, faith-based education I’m getting here.”
A strong believer in prayer, Heinricks appreciates the opportunity to freely pray for and support her classmates. “We pray for each other and often integrate our faith into so much of what we are learning in class,” she said. “Bringing prayer to nursing care is another level of caregiving, especially since prayer is so essential to healing.”