Collin Lowery | Student Story
Accustomed to rigorous academics and advanced placement courses during his high school years, Jessup senior Collin Lowery wanted to continue his pursuit of excellence in academics throughout his college experience. “In high school, I was a straight A student, my GPA was 4.00+ and I always opted to take honors and AP classes.”
In similar fashion, Lowery has continued his desire to excel academically, making the dean’s list every semester since transferring to Jessup in the fall of 2021. “Paying attention and asking clarifying questions on course material has helped me excel, but it isn’t everything,” he said. “I was taught to be studious, but I was also taught to value my hobbies, job, and community. I attribute my academic success to a balanced social schedule and my desire to be the best student I can be.” When he isn’t studying or involved with friends on campus, Lowery tends to head to the gym or work part-time at a local fast food restaurant.
Declaring a biology major, Lowery gravitated to the sciences. “For some reason, science comes naturally to me,” he said. “I really enjoy anatomy and physiology and learning medical terminology.” Passionate about researching how the human body works, Lowery excelled in his anatomy and physiology course. “Dr. Stubblefield is such a great teacher. He is interactive with the class, making the material easy to understand.” It wasn’t long after taking the course that Lowery became Stubblefield’s teaching assistant for the same course where he graded papers and found reviewing tests helpful for reinforcing material he learned previously.
Jessup’s Biopsychology course also impacted Lowery’s educational experience, particularly due to the opportunity to learn while working with cadavers, a highly unusual opportunity in an undergraduate college setting. “Being in the lab with a cadaver gives you a sense of humility and reverence that is hard to describe,” he said. “It is very engaging and intriguing to be able to learn in this capacity.”
Lowery has benefitted from the personalized learning he receives at Jessup. “Not only are our facilities and labs nice, our faculty are so knowledgeable and accessible,” he said. “For example, Dr. Trowbridge is a professor and practicing medical doctor who brings so much on-the-job experience to class. She even hosts “lunch bunch” meetings in the cafe encouraging students to come and discuss course concepts they might find challenging or want to know more about. By far, having a good close relationship with teachers has been helpful to my quality of learning here at Jessup.”