Too often, church leaders feel isolated. While surrounded by people, ironically, those of us leading in church can feel emotionally and spiritually alone. It can be hard to get perspective on ourselves and our ministry while immersed in ministry. Yet, in a confidential and supportive environment of like-minded people, God often brings light.
Pastoral Cohorts are available for men and women who are leading in church and their spouses who want to grow. Cohorts meet approximately monthly for in-depth, 3-hour sessions throughout the year. In a confidential environment, the focus is on helping you grow in spiritual formation, self-care, emotional intelligence, leadership, and other areas. Cohorts are led by qualified church ministry veterans in the Greater Sacramento Area and via Zoom. Joining a cohort costs $100 per person per year due at application.
“Too often, pastoral preparation is inadequate for today’s pastoral demands. The Jessup Center for Church Health brings life and lift to pastors and churches. I am grateful for their contribution to the Kingdom!”
Tod Bolsinger
Senior Congregational Strategist & Associate Professor of Leadership Formation, Fuller Theological Seminary; Author of Canoeing the MountainsPastoral Cohort Leaders

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