Doctor of Ministry


Doctor of Ministry

Designed for completion in two years, this innovative DMin program offers a powerful combination of relevant coursework, cultivating ministry well-being and personalized research that gives a distinct edge over other DMin programs. Tailored for those in ministry, this program allows you to focus your second year on a ministry-related project of special significance and value to you. The program is in a distance education format, meaning no travel to classes needed and quick access to remarkable faculty.





Learn to Lead with Courage and Clarity in a Complex World

In today’s changing and complex world, ministry leaders need to be adaptable and innovative. We must also lead with the courage and clarity that comes only from being deeply rooted in the power and presence of Christ. Jessup’s DMin program pairs innovation principles, entrepreneurial leadership and design theory with the essential ministry skills of discernment, shepherding and changemaking. Seasoned ministry leaders will find that this innovative DMin program will empower them to courageously drive positive change, and lead with newfound ministry clarity.

The Doctor of Ministry is a two-year program (32 credits) offering a professional degree to experienced ministry leaders, providing them with advanced further education and training. The program revolves around a major project relevant to the student’s ministry.

Because this program is designed for experienced ministry leaders, students are usually engaged in vocational ministry. This degree is suitable for:

  • Senior and solo pastors
  • Associate pastors and program staff
  • Church planters
  • Nonprofit and parachurch ministry leaders
  • Community outreach/mission pastors and missionaries
  • Chaplains (military, prison, hospital, hospice, etc.)
  • Advanced Theological Integration: Students will contextualize Biblical and Theological Studies for their ministry and cultural context

  • In-Depth Contextual Competency: Students will identify the unique shifts required to help their organization address new needs, challenges, or opportunities in their context.

  • Enhanced Leadership Capacity: Students will create targeted approaches to lead their community/organization through change.

  • Enhanced Leadership Capacity: Students will evaluate the effectiveness of their leadership approach/methodology and adjust accordingly.

  • Personal and Spiritual Maturity: Students will cultivate practices that invest in holistic well-being for deepening personal and vocational maturity

  • Accessible: This program is a fully online program.
  • Achievable: Complete the program in two years.
  • Affordable: Program is 32 units in length.
  • Relevant: Curriculum is customized to student’s calling.
  • Formative: Students engage in peer mentoring to encourage ministry well-being.
  • Accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of The Association of Theological Schools.

Program Courses (32 units)


  • DM840 | DMin Gateway

Core Courses (16 units)

  • DM841 | Navigating Cultural Complexity
  • DM842 | Developing Ministry Clarity
  • DM843 | Bible and Theology in Ministry
  • DM844 | Leading Change
  • DM850 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being
  • DM851 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being
  • DM852 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being
  • DM853 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being
  • DM854 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being
  • DM855 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being
  • DM856 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being
  • DM857 | Cultivating. Ministry Well-Being

Research & Writing – Contextual Application (14 units)

  • DM861 | Comprehensive Reading
  • DM862 | Focused Reading
  • DM863 | Research and Design/Writing 1
  • DM864 | Research and Design/Writing 2
  • DM865 | Research and Design/Writing 3
  • DM890 | Final Project & Thesis Defense

Admission Requirements

  1. Applicants must meet general admission requirements as listed in the “Admission and Financial Information” catalog section.
  2. Applicants should normally possess a master’s degree from an accredited college or university with a minimum 3.0 grade point average (4.0 scale), which includes broad-based work in theology, biblical studies, and ministry.
  3. Applicants should submit three references, two of which are from a “ministry context,” one completed by a peer or colleague in ministry and one by a board member or elder from the applicant’s organization. The third reference may be a “personal” reference.
  4. Submission of a letter of support from the applicant’s spouse, if the applicant is married.
  5. Through the submission of a professional resume, demonstrate at least three years of ministry leadership experience.
  6. Applicants must believe and affirm the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

Applicants not meeting the grade criteria may be admitted on a provisional basis which would be lifted after they demonstrate ability to do doctoral level work.

Applicants who lack ministry experience may be eligible for admission under a permitted exemption.

Ruben Alvarado, Th.M.

Associate Program Director DMin, Assistant Professor (Ministry)

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Program Director, D.Min.; Associate Professor - School of Theology & Leadership

Assistant Professor - School of Theology & Leadership

Associate Dean - Multnomah Bible Seminary

Professor - School of Theology & Leadership

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