Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) allows Jessup students the opportunity to earn credit for learning experiences that have taken place outside the classroom and are equivalent to college-level work. Using their CPL, students can streamline their education, avoid redundant or unnecessary courses, and save on their overall tuition. Through CPL, students can apply a maximum of 30 units toward their bachelor’s degree requirements. Units may also be earned for a graduate degree, depending on the graduate program.
How does it work? Students pursuing CPL create a portfolio which demonstrates their experience outside the classroom –from a job, military service, volunteer service etc. A CPL Coach provides guidance and support throughout the process, and a subject-matter expert evaluates the portfolio for credit. Students can apply for CPL credit for 3-unit courses or a 10-unit CPL for those with broader life experience.
The cost of CPL units is $100 per unit and is only available for Credit/No Credit. Courses that students can have waived by taking a test (through CLEP or DANTES) are not eligible for CPL. CPL is non-transferable to other institutions. When granting credit, Jessup follows the CPL policy from WSCUC.

How much time will it take to complete a CPL portfolio?
For most students, it normally takes about 8-10 hours to do the writing for the portfolio.
How is the CPL portfolio evaluated?
After the student completes the CPL portfolio, a faculty member will evaluate the work and give it either credit or no credit, which will be posted to the student’s transcript.
What is the cost of doing CPL?
It is $100 per unit. So a 3-unit CPL would cost $300 and a 10-unit CPL would be $1,000.
Who can help me get started on my CPL?
Your Success Coach will help you determine if pursuing a CPL project is right for you, and the CPL Coach will provide you with coaching and directions to get started.
Can I get CPL for graduate level courses?
The answer is “yes” in most grad programs. However, the student will need to check with the dean of their specific graduate program to determine whether CPL units are accepted in that specific program.
What kind of experience could qualify for a 3-unit CPL?
Students can draw from a variety of experiences from their work, family, volunteer, ministry, or community involvement. They will look for themes that demonstrate competency in a specific university-level 3-unit course. For example, if they worked in a variety of customer service roles, they may pursue some type of CPL in customer service, drawing from the competencies and knowledge gained in all of those roles.
How is the 10-unit CPL different from the 3-unit CPL?
The 3-unit CPL is a narrower focus, demonstrating competency in the equivalent of a university-level 3-unit course. The 10-unit is more of a big picture look at your life (from high school until the present), breaking down the time period into phases of learning. So, for example, if a person is 30 years of age, they would have 12 years of life experience after high school. They would break this into at least 3 learning phases, then reflect on the overarching knowledge, skills, values, and character development in each of those time periods.
What documentation will be required to document my experience and learning?
There are many kinds of documentation that can be used for a CPL project and the CPL Coach can give you more details. Some examples include: samples of work from your job, photos of events you helped lead, letters of reference from an employer or volunteer coordinator.

When you need fewer courses to graduate, you’ll save money on classes and materials.

Your prior learning experiences count toward graduation. You won’t have to start over.

Get credits for experiences that take place outside the classroom if they are equivalent to college-level work.

Students must have knowledge of the subject matter with demonstrated application of that knowledge. Jessup’s 3-unit CPL projects can cover nearly any subject matter for which a student could take a course at Jessup or a similar school.
Examples include courses such as: Human Resource Management, Customer Service, Entrepreneurship, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Management Principles, Organizational Communication, Leading Organizational Teams, Web Design, Managing Organizational Change, Directing and Producing Plays, Pastoral, Youth or Music Ministry, Classroom Management, Small Group Dynamics.

Ideal for students with at least eight years of post-high school life experience. Also ideal for military veterans with broad life experiences.
*Only applicable to free or general elective units needed. General electives apply only for online students.
The 10-unit CPL is not based on expertise or mastery of a particular subject – it is an opportunity to reflect on the various phases of your life (from high school until the present), and explore the knowledge, skills, values and character development you have gained in each of the various phases.

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