“God can be trusted! He will get you where He wants you to be!” This is one of Bryce’s favorite sayings, which is why he has heard the Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant…”
At the core of Bryce’s professional and ministerial life was the Church. William Jessup University’s mission statement begins like no other Christ-centered university, “In partnership with the church…”
“My dad, William Jessup, believed the best way to redeem world culture was to start a Christian college where men and women would be transformed and sent forth to impact the world through Christ-centered ministries in the church and the marketplace. 80 years later our mission remains the same,” said Bryce.
If you know anything about Bryce he was always dreaming and had another goal to achieve. In the days preceding his passing his dreams were tethered to ways he could advance the mission of the university.
His next big dream: To raise one million dollars toward the Bryce and Jo Jessup Legacy endowment before his 90th birthday and to celebrate the achievement with a head stand on top of Half Dome.
The Bryce and Jo Jessup Legacy Endowment Fund provides scholarships for those called to church vocational ministry such as a pastor, youth minister, missionary, Christian educator or evangelist, etc.
The purpose of this endowment is to ensure the next generation of church leaders are tethered to their calling, not to debt. Simply put, we need more Christ-like leaders to be a stronger salt and brighter light than ever before.
Bryce and our current leadership have had many priorities, but none greater than remaining an effective Christ-centered university that raises up transformational leaders to the glory of God. These “World Changers”, as Bryce would call them, can only be such if they are first transformed by the Word of God.
William Jessup University will continue to partner with the Church as long as the Lord tarries and we will continue to be leaders of innovation in an ever changing landscape, while remaining true to biblical authority. “The mission of WJU is the same as when he started SJBC…to transform students into the image of Christ and send them forth to change the world. Transforming students who have a multiplicity of gifts, backgrounds and callings to reflect Christ in everything they do is of great concern.”
With your support we can accomplish Bryce’s dream of raising a million dollars to “change the very landscape of eternity” by training and equipping the next generation of church leaders.
Together, we can be instruments of the Lord’s plan as we enter into the next era in the life of William Jessup University. “We have experienced much growth because of you! Today we are at a precipice of a new season as the life of Jessup matures…Thank you so much for your friendship and partnership. I stand on ‘tiptoes’ to watch God continue to shower down on us many blessings and growth opportunities, even in the midst of a very challenging and changing world. May God richly bless you as you prayerfully consider investing in some of the finest students on planet Earth!”

The Bryce and Jo Jessup Legacy Endowment Fund provides scholarships for those called to church vocational ministry, such as pastors, youth ministers, missionaries, Christian educators and evangelists. Scholarships are available to those who demonstrate financial need in order to reduce or eliminate student loan debt.
The purpose of this endowment is to ensure the next generation of church leaders are tethered to their calling, not debt.
Your support of this endowment will change the very landscape of eternity by training and equipping the next generation of church leaders.

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Graduation Celebration
“Bryce Jessup has a legacy stream that runs deep at Jessup, through the churches of Northern California, and in the lives of hundreds of men and women. Bryce was a father figure, mentor and encourager to me personally and to many others. We are honored for Jessup to carry his legacy, the legacy of his father and mother, and the present working of Jesus in Northern California and to the ends of the earth. Bryce is already missed, but his legacy will continue to grow!”
Dr. John Jackson, President William Jessup University
“My dad, William Jessup, believed the best way to redeem world culture was to start a Christian college where men and women would be transformed and sent forth to impact the world through Christ-centered ministries in the church and the marketplace. 80 years later our mission remains the same.”