Pamela Beilby
Dr. Beilby’s research has its roots in understanding age-related mechanisms of neurodegeneration. The levels of glutathione, the cell’s most abundant antioxidant, decline as we age, and this loss is observed in almost all diseases of aging. Simply replenishing the cell’s glutathione stores does not usually alleviate any symptoms or disease progression, because this replacement does not specifically increase the mitochondrial pool of glutathione. Dr. Beilby’s current research efforts focus on developing and synthesizing mitochondrially targeted glutathione derivatives and testing them in various disease models.
Dr. Beilby loves teaching and is grateful for the opportunity to share her wonder of God’s beautiful creation with her students. As a biochemist, seeing how intricately God designed the cell such that even a small decline in the amount of a simple tripeptide like glutathione significantly impacts function in organelles such as mitochondria and the cell as a whole, continually amazes and inspires her. When not in the classroom or the lab, she enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, traveling, reading mysteries, and baking bread.