Warriors Worship Different · Warriors Do Life Together · Warriors Dive Into The Word
Each chapel is run by students just like you! From the welcome team to the worship team, our chapels are designed and facilitated by Campus Min interns and Staff who love Jesus and want to give you a phenomenal chapel experience.

Chapel Experiences
We have three unique chapel experiences every week.
The Porch | Monday Nights
7 – 7:50 pm in the Student Union
The Porch chapels are late-night chapels where students lead worship and preach the word.
Morning Chapels | Wednesdays & Fridays
9:30 – 10:20 am in the Chapel Warehouse
Our morning chapels are a time for the whole Jessup community to come together to worship and hear the Word preached. It is a chance to hear from Jessup staff and faculty, local church pastors, and global Christian leaders and teachers.
Encounter Chapels | Twice a month on Fridays
9:30 – 10:20 am in various campus locations
During Encounter Chapels, students can choose from several stations across campus to engage and grow in their faith. Stations range from week to week but often include different spaces dedicated to worship, prayer, silence and solitude, service projects, Bible study, creative projects, and asking tough questions about faith.

Get Involved
There are several ways you can get plugged into Campus Ministries!
- Campus Ministries Internship opportunities
- Chapel Coordinators
- Worship Coordinators
- Discipleship Interns
- Volunteering opportunities
- Welcome Team Volunteers
- Worship Band Volunteers
- Student Workers
- Production Team