The Prince of Peace

The Prince of Peace


Advent #8 | December 25, 2024

Author: Connor Clark

Multnomah Biblical Seminary Student

In the classic Christmas text Isaiah 9, Isaiah promises a child who will be born. One of the child’s titles will be “Prince of Peace.” This word “peace” comes from the Hebrew word Shalom, which speaks not merely of lack of conflict, but of things being as they should.

Isaiah gives this message of Shalom at a time of incredible national unrest for Israel. Because of their disobedience to God, Isaiah says they will be conquered by their neighboring nations. Yet he also promises that after God’s discipline, He will break the bond of Israel’s oppression, and establish this prince of Shalom. Their political unrest will be replaced by the man appointed by God, ruling in peace.

Currently we too live in a time of political unrest, marked by fear, uncertainty, and division. Abroad we hear of wars and rumors of wars, and wonder when they will affect our shores. This unrest produces fear, tempting us to wonder who can fix it, or what can make things right. This Advent, let us remember the same God behind Isaiah’s proclamation is with us now. Jesus came 2,000 years ago as that Prince of Peace, and He will return to establish Shalom on Earth as it is in heaven. Neither our politicians, nor agendas, nor American might will accomplish it. Christ alone will free us from our strife, hatred and oppression, not in the establishment of our nation or our political leaders, but in Jesus ruling as God’s King.

At Christmas we celebrate the coming of this Prince as a child, and we look forward to His return to bring about peace. May we strive to see little glimmers of that peace in our relationships with God and our neighbor, knowing that one day God will fully establish His peace on Earth as it is in heaven.