Supported Through Friendship
Friendship is an important part of many people’s college experience. At Jessup, students not only meet new people, but make lifelong friends. Friends that support you in your career and relationships as you move through life. This is true for Carolin Gardner and Angelique Bailey, two Jessup alumni who became close friends while earning their graduate degrees in the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program. Friendship wasn’t just a benefit of their Jessup education. It was vital to their success and overall well-being.
While navigating classes together, the women served as each others’ cheerleaders. At one point in the program, Angelique grew concerned over managing her course load coupled with her everyday responsibilities. “I was a full time student, working full time, full-time mom, and managing my own non-profit,” she said. She considered dropping her classes, but after one of her professors came alongside her, Angelique’s resilience was also strengthened by the support from her classmate, Carolin. “She lifted me up when I got discouraged and wasn’t sure I could finish the program.”
The two share a big heart for service. Through internship placements, they began working as therapists at the same company in Rancho Cordova, caring for the homeless population and families who are in transition. “I could not have imagined how rewarding and challenging this position would be,” said Carolin. “I have developed a great passion for this clientele and the need there is for compassion and empathy.” Both Carolin and Angelique are beyond grateful that God is allowing them to be part of their clients’ healing process, thus helping them change the narrative they are living from.
Carolin and Angelique are now pursuing a Ph.D. through Regent University. Angelique plans to open up facilities across the nation to help the aging out population and victims facing domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault. Carolin wants to expand her ability to serve clients and possibly teach at the collegiate level. And they’re continuing their journey of service together, deeply grateful for their Jessup education and how it prepared them.
“My experience in the MACP program was amazing,” said Angelique. “The program is designed for each student to succeed, not only within their academics but in their career and future endeavors.” The women’s cohort became their extended family, and Angelique’s friendship with Carolin only enriched this learning experience. “We worked on assignments together in our courses, presentations, and now we are working together with the population that we both absolutely love. I believe God places people in your life for a reason, and we are just two puzzle pieces in his remarkable plan.”
To learn more about the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program at Jessup, visit this page.