Women-in-Prayer Update
For nearly two years, Jessup University has hosted a monthly Women-in-Prayer gathering on the second Friday of each month throughout the academic school year. The gatherings provide a safe space where like-minded, caring, passionate, faith-filled women come together to share their hearts while hearing about different ways they can be interceding for each other’s students as well as Jessup staff, faculty and other University-related needs. The group is co-led by Jessup Associate Vice President for University Events and Experience, Marcie Lemos and parent volunteer, Jenelle Burdick.
“Praying for Jessup has been part of my life well before our Women-in-Prayer group formed,” Lemos said. “As an alumna of San Jose Bible College, a parent of two Jessup graduates and a current Jessup employee, I have been praying for Jessup for over 30 years! Now meeting together on campus with women to cover our community in prayer is a great honor. This group contributes to the broader community through organizing service projects, outreach programs and acts of kindness that promote unity and compassion.”

Burdick is one of five original Women-in-Prayer members steeped in the tradition of praying for their kids as they navigate their school settings. As former members of “Moms in Prayer International” this group impacted children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray. Now, they are joining other Jessup supporters who are continuing their mission while their young adults enter their formative college years and beyond.
“Last fall during move in day, I was handing families fliers, letting them know we have this group on campus,” Burdick said. “Prayer is such an essential part of our experience as Christians and I want all women who are interested in supporting Jessup to know they are welcome to join us.”
In a confidential setting, the group learns about time sensitive prayer requests related to Jessup students and the University in general, covering them in an intentional corporate prayer time. The women pray for a variety of topics, some of which have included interceding for international students or for student-athletes who have rigorous schedules juggling athletic travel with their studies. The group prays for coaches, faculty, staff and God’s favor on new programs such as nursing and aviation. Prayers are said for theater and music performances either on campus, within the surrounding community or while students are on tour. Campus events like art shows, lectures or cultural events and needs stemming from Global Outreach Mission trips are also covered in prayer. In addition, the group regularly prays that scholarship and financial needs are met for students who need them.
Each month the team also spends time focusing on a different attribute of God such as His sovereignty, immutability and omniscience. In addition to spending time in prayer and praising Him for these attributes, the group reads Scriptures supporting the attributes, followed by a devotional video and sharing prayer requests. The group also has a different theme in regard to interceding for Jessup students. For example, some topics the women have covered include praying for student’s friendships, purity, battling temptations, mental and emotional health, time management skills and for rest.

Each meeting ends by breaking into smaller groups and praying for each other and each members’ individual students which gives meetings a personal touch. Members often stay longer for an extended fellowship time or head to the Crossroads Cafe for lunch. Several women drive from cities such as El Dorado Hills, Elk Grove, Sacramento, or Yuba City to pray and have fellowship with other Jessup women. Those with students on campus tend to utilize the monthly prayer meeting dates as opportunities to connect with their students and have lunch with them in the cafe.
“The thing I love most about being in this prayer group is that even though we are all very different women, coming from different backgrounds, different churches and are all in various ages and stages in life, we’re all thankful to be joined together in our common passion and belief in the power of prayer,” Burdick said. “We share combined hearts for God and His Word, our love for our kids and our unified desire to see God glorified through all Jessup is doing on and off campus and around our city.”
The Jessup Women-in-Prayer group is a great place to find support, friendship, and connection. Prayer meetings take place in the Edrington Conference Room on the second Friday of each month from 10:30-11:30 a.m. The next two prayer dates before breaking for summer are March 14, and April 11, 2025.
For more information, or to join the group, contact Marcie Lemos at 916-577-2306 or mlemos@jessup.edu.
Here is what a few of our members are saying:
This is something that Jessup continues to promote and build, for which I am exceedingly grateful. No other college I know invites parents, family, businesses, churches and the community at large to connect with and be part of what is being built the way Jessup does. Traditionally parents are asked to send their children off to college to start a new chapter in their life, but never have I experienced a place where parents are invited to come alongside and be a part of actively supporting their children together as a group. I appreciate the intentionality of Jessup Women in Prayer and am grateful that Jessup University welcomes this group!
Kelly Glacken
This group is very special to me because I can meet with other prayer-warrior women. There is a sense of community with other believers, praying for our precious young adults and specific requests of Jessup. What a priceless gift to praise God and ask for His divine help. I love how we worship together over a specific attribute of God and then break into small intimate groups to pray over our kids.
Dawn Oakley
The most meaningful aspect of being part of this group is meeting women who also have students in similar situations — midterms, finals, activities, navigating young adulthood, and having that commonality. Being able to have specific support and encouragement has really helped me in helping my son navigate college. Knowing that there are others who pray for our son, by name, is really encouraging. We have prayed for emotional health and balance in school work and activities. Most recently, we have prayed for financial provision for Global Outreach and he and his team were able to raise enough funding for their trip!
Elise La Marca
Coming together with moms, faculty and professors in prayer has helped me to see Jessup as so much more than a place where my child is getting an education. It is truly a place where God is moving and working in the lives of many. It has been a blessing to feel more connected to the spiritual life of the campus by being involved in supporting its growth and challenges through prayer.
Kim Huxley
I love that I can meet with other women and lift up the University in prayer. It definitely helps me feel more connected and emotionally invested. I know prayer changes things and God works through prayer. I know we are making a difference. The most meaningful part of this group has been connecting with the other women (moms, grandmas, professors and administrators) who are all connected with Jessup. I am more aware of what’s happening at my daughter’s University and able to pray specifically for needs and volunteer my time as I am able. I am so thankful for this opportunity.
Julie Riggs
I’m honored to join together in prayer with this amazing group of women in support of Jessup students, faculty, and families. I admire the values of this institution and the community Jessup has provided for my daughter. As part of this group, I’m encouraged and excited to see God at work and support our future leaders. It also helps me feel connected to my daughter’s “new home” away from home. This warms my heart and I’ve made new friends in the process while also enriching my own prayer life and relationship with God.
Michelle Housh