Veterans Helping Veterans
As a combat veteran, Sergeant First Class (SFC), Travis Orth embodies resilience, leadership, and an unwavering commitment to service. Currently serving his country with honor, he now channels his passion into supporting fellow veterans transitioning to civilian life at Jessup University.
At the helm of Jessup’s veteran program, SFC Orth’s role is designed to make life easier for student veterans. As Jessup’s Veteran Services Coordinator, SFC Orth is coming alongside student veterans and dependents of veterans to ensure they are certified in their status to maintain eligibility for their veterans educational benefits. “Although the government provides a variety of services for veterans, it’s difficult navigating the system and often leaves veterans feeling frustrated, misunderstood or displaced,” he said. Whether he’s assisting veteran students with academic challenges, providing guidance on navigating benefits, or simply lending a compassionate ear, SFC Orth’s empathy and understanding creates a welcoming environment where Jessup’s veterans are heard and empowered to succeed.
SFC Orth’s steadfast dedication shines through as he maneuvers the complexities of ensuring student veterans receive the support they deserve. “Essentially my entire military career, I’ve been taking care of people in the military. Now, my focus is aimed outside the military with veterans,” he said. “It’s nice to know that in this role, I get to offer continued care. I can help veterans have a better future and utilize their benefits to pursue higher education.”
As an experienced religious affairs non-commissioned officer for the Army National Guard Reserve, SFC Orth has a demonstrated history of working with soldiers and enhancing their leadership. Through his tireless efforts, SFC Orth not only fosters a sense of camaraderie among student veterans but also helps them realize their full potential in both academic and personal pursuits. “I know the challenges first hand,” he said. “This is right up my alley. I can understand what it’s like to be an older student, it took me six years longer to finish my education because of military commitments. As a veteran, it’s so important to be in a place with those who understand the road you’ve been on and know there’s a specific place for you.”
SFC Orth is also committed to helping the Jessup community have a better understanding of the veteran community. “Often there’s a serious disconnect between a freshman and a veteran student who has returned from deployment,” SFC Orth said. “I want to be able to bridge that gap and help civilian students understand veteran students who are such amazing resources. They have built and honed skills through experiences that can be shared among the student population making everyone more vibrant, informed and engaged to support the community and world around us. It’s a win-win for sure.”
No stranger to the Jessup community, SFC Orth is familiar with the pulse of student Warriors around campus since his wife Julie started working in Student Life several years ago. The couple has chaperoned dances, attended Mr. Warrior competitions, theatre productions and athletic events including STUNT competitions and basketball games. “This campus has already been a big part of our lives,” the father of two said. “God has really been putting Jessup on our hearts, and now it feels full-circle. So many of the experiences we’ve had as a military family have been difficult, but it feels like we’ve been through them so we can help someone else.”