Pastor in Training Recipient, Shasta Mizera
When transfer student Shasta Mizera walked up the iconic Jessup ramp near the lime wedge, he knew Jessup was where he wanted to be. “I took a campus tour and honestly, I fell in love with it, but the price scared me away. It was something I knew I couldn’t afford,” the sophomore said.
After graduation from high school in 2022, Shasta Mizera had plans to pursue mechanical engineering, so he enrolled in community college and started working toward his goal. But something about that plan didn’t feel right, ever since the summer before his senior year of high school. “I was at a Christian youth conference and sensed God calling me to pursue ministry,” he said. “I was a bit hesitant at first, wondering if it was just me thinking that, or truly the Lord’s call. So, I decided to get plugged in serving at my church until I figured it out.”
It was during that time Mizera started serving in the youth ministry program at River City Christian Church in Rancho Cordova. Over time, he became a steady presence in the ministry and recognized his calling. It was a connection between two of Mizera’s pastors and Director of Church Relations Jim Jessup that helped Mizera land the scholarship that enabled him to pursue his dream to attend Jessup.
Mizera is a 2024-25 recipient of the Pastors in Training (PIT) scholarship designed to lessen or eliminate debt for ministry students. “Receiving this scholarship means so much to me,” he said. “Being able to go to school and not be overwhelmed about finances is freeing. It allows me to put my focus on school and growing my faith.”
Undergraduate students awarded the PIT scholarship serve the Church Relations Office by assisting partner churches one Sunday or weeknight per month to experience different church settings and styles, and gain experience in speaking and leadership opportunities.
“When I contacted Shasta, I knew right away that he was an excellent candidate for the PIT Scholarship,” Jim Jessup said. “Since then, Shasta has been out sharing his testimony with me as I visit our partner churches. He does a good job of speaking and his preaching skills are coming along nicely too!”
“Ever since I enrolled here, I’ve felt more connected to my calling,” Mizera said. “Especially with my Bible and Theology classes. For the first time in my academic career, I see things lining up. I’m learning subjects I have a connection to which helps me feel more reassured to my calling.”
Mizera can see how his education is already improving his work in youth ministry. “There’ve been so many concepts I’ve applied that are a direct result of my coursework. Especially when it comes to communicating in difficult situations. When you think about it, many youth workers don’t get much psychological training, but I’m able to do that here with classes like my “counseling youth” course.” He’s also enjoying his New Testament Literature class that is helping him deliver stronger sermons and further develop his spiritual gift of teaching.
When he isn’t on campus or helping with youth ministry, Mizera also works as a security guard at River City. “I always thought about being a security guard, mainly because I’m a big guy. It’s another way to help out with finances while I’m serving the church.”