Letter from the President

In this, our 85th year, Jessup University is lifting up legacy. I’ve been saying for months that legacy is now. You will read in this magazine of people who have been part of our story for decades and others for a very brief time. With 1,850 graduates in our first 65 years and over 5,100 more since coming to the Sacramento region, a “ripple effect” of legacy is being birthed each year. However, I believe we have a misguided notion of legacy.
Legacy is not later. Legacy is now. Many of us think of legacy as what happens when we die or for the generations after we are gone. That is only partially true. Legacy is now means we are sowing seeds of legacy in our everyday lives through our relationships, our disciplines, and our generosity. Your legacy, my legacy, and our legacy is happening through Jessup in Rocklin, Portland, San Jose, and online around the world through what we call JessupGlobal.
Legacy is now because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Despite cultural pressures, Jessup is bravely maintaining a Christ-centered higher education presence on all the campuses and platforms where we educate. Our students, both undergraduate and graduate, are becoming transformational leaders in multiple dimensions of society. Leaders in health sciences, church ministry, education, arts, business, and mental health are being shaped at Jessup. Every day, we are seeing students equipped to make a difference in their lives.
Jessup is going to the “next level.” This next level will serve 10,000 students on-ground, online, domestically and internationally. This next level will see Jessup regionally and nationally ranked, with graduating student debt at 50% of the national average and with an endowment of $100 million and debt reduced by half. Everything I see is out of reach in the natural. But in the supernatural, I see it already. Legacy is now. People are stepping in and stepping up to give to Jessup at greater levels than ever before. People are sowing seeds of prayer, of finances, and of relationships that are bringing about a harvest right now.
So, as you read this magazine, I want you to imagine yourself as the “sower” in the parable in Matthew 13. If you could choose, where would you sow your seed? I know you would choose to sow your seed in good soil so that you could see a 30-60- 100 fold harvest for the glory of God. I believe Jessup is that “good soil” where seeds sown are bearing LEGACY NOW harvest fruit. Read these pages and join with me in watching legacy come alive!

John Jackson, Ph.D.