Letter from the President

As we begin the new academic year, Jessup continues to grow numerically and in our strategic ministry witness in the region. Praise God!
A former key leader at Jessup was a tall woman who used to describe (with some joy) how when she experienced a growth spurt, her pants were “always too short.” She used that analogy to describe Jessup’s reality as our growth rates kept meaning that our “pants were too short” to keep up with how the University was growing. I’ve always been grateful to Rhonda for that analogy.
Today, I’m very proud to say that Jessup is in a new era, ready for a fresh season of the Lord’s working in us and through us. We have reached a point of maturity where programs that were once new have now developed reputation and standing in our region. This summer the NCAA announced Jessup’s acceptance into NCAA Division II athletics, a feat 10 years in the making. Jessup begins NCAA competition in fall, 2024.
In this magazine you will read fantastic stories of academic progress in a pre-med pathway (I remember when we had just launched biology) to complement our nursing school, five-year bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accountancy and kinesiology, growth and stability in digital communication and the arts as well as aviation. We also continue to expand our region-wide expertise in mental health, and launching Centers for Bible Study and Church Health.
The myriad of good news stories at Jessup do not happen without the ultimate Good News of Jesus. Because of what Jesus did on the cross for us, we are able to live, love, and serve in a way that empowers people to be reconciled to God.
As you likely know, I have recently released a book, Grace Ambassador (graceambassador.com) that magnifies the calling of God on each of us to distribute His grace in the everyday dimensions of our life. Because Jessup was established on the secure foundation of Christ, Scripture, and the Church, we have been able to navigate through decades of social change and remain faithful to His mission in each generation.
At the end of the day, our success is written largely in the lives of our students and our donors. Students, some of whom you will read about in this issue, demonstrate the transformational power of the Lord to bring about lasting change in a way that produces generational shifts. Our donors, many of you included, tell the story of stewardship that comes from living a life in honor of Jesus, who gave Himself for us. It is said that in giving we are most like the Savior.
I want to thank you for praying for our students and their life changes, and trusting Jessup to be a good steward of what He has entrusted to you to invest in Kingdom ministry.
Thank you for partnering with us in the work of the Kingdom of God here at Jessup.

John Jackson, Ph.D.