Legacies Intertwined Under Our Sovereign Lord
Time comes and goes. The undeniable reality of being human on this side of heaven is that we live life on a timeline. Our timeline in this body is finite, limited, and numbered. If you view time from a Christian worldview, you would probably agree that time is a gift from God for us to steward. God knows exactly the most precise millisecond of time we spend in this current body. Why? Because He’s given it to us.
The point is that we are all contributors to leaving a legacy right here and now. Each of us has an invitation today, to make an impact for tomorrow. Legacy is created today through small acts of obedience. What are you doing today?
Jesus did indeed defeat death, and made eternal salvation possible for those who believe in Him. Jesus’ death and resurrection is the pinnacle of God’s love for us, by dying for our sins and thus paying the penalty of that sin on our behalf so that through faith, we can have eternal life.
What we can’t forget about is the impact of Jesus’ earthly life and that He was perfectly obedient. In John 17 He prayed for us. Jesus also prayed for His disciples, every believer before us, and every believer after us that we would be kept in unity with God and unity with fellow believers. The uniqueness of Jesus’ obedient life and prayer is that although the prayer was a one-time event in the past, its legacy, or impact, is still in effect for us today.
So what about today? Let’s not neglect the kind of legacy we leave by the prayers and interactions we can have on people around us at this very moment. We get to celebrate the founding of a small bible school in San Jose, California 85 years ago. It is indeed a moment to celebrate. But let us also not forget to consider the legacy left of those who have rallied around and prayed for this University long before its inception. Let us not forget those who attended SJBC, SJCC, or those who have prayed earnestly for the future of what they understood this University to be.
Because of their legacy, we find ourselves today a vibrant Christian University of students who are impacting the future. Everyday, there are many moments in which students, staff, and faculty are playing a part in what the legacy of Jessup University is still to be.
I have been impacted by countless staff, faculty, and friends that have an affiliation with Jessup. I have many colleagues here whom I consider mentors, professors of the faith, and dear friends who have impacted my life in which the fingerprints of their legacy can be found on me. But it doesn’t stop there.
My peers and I, and perhaps you, have the same invitation. That we should steward the gift of time well, and spend it making a difference for the future. To be obedient to the call of Jesus that He has for our lives. Transformation is a work of the Lord in the hearts of believers, but perhaps in our daily conversations and interactions with those we meet, we can spur that on in one another. This is the legacy of what happens at Jessup. Koinonia. Believers spurring on the next generation of believers to advance the gospel through transformational leadership.