Golf Team Helps Wishes Come True
Last month, members of Jessup’s women’s golf team were lending a helping hand to local nonprofit Silver Wishes Inc. The organization exists to grant wishes to senior citizens in Placer County, Wheatland and Citrus Heights while striving to help seniors experience hope, letting them know they are valued. The nonprofits’ mission is granting wishes to make a difference and bring encouragement to seniors struggling physically, emotionally or financially.
Jessup’s student athletes assisted Silver Wishes by helping with their annual fundraising dinner as they rolled up their sleeves to provide meal and dessert service and later washed dishes. “I’ve always been drawn to working in a team setting being able to assist others, so this was a lot of fun for me,” said criminal justice major Corina Shaw. “One particularly funny moment was when we formed a ‘dishwashing train’ where each of us scraped plates, rinsed, washed and then stacked them in a bucket. There was a lot of laughter coming from the kitchen!”
Julianne Canda said, “I love being with my team, so having the opportunity to help in the community makes all of us closer.” While the night provided some great team bonding moments, the players also were able to learn more about the cause they supported. “When we had breaks in between helping at the event, we were able to hear about the mission of Silver Wishes,” she said. “We learned about multiple occasions where wishes were met such as granting a senior a cross-country road trip, or another instance where a senior merely asked for a pair of shoes. This really opened my eyes to ways that we can better support our local area seniors.”