God’s Generosity, Our Response
As the end of the month drew near, a small nonprofit couldn’t meet payroll. They had endured lean financial times, and again, their back was against the wall. After much prayer, leaders decided to put what resources they had into a shoe box, gather employees, and ask them to take what they needed, but no more. Miraculously, every employee’s need was met.
This is only one of many true stories from Jessup’s history. In another, a professor asked that their salary be indefinitely reduced and redirected to another who had need. When Alyssa and I joined Jessup in fall of 2004, we knew only a glimpse of the radical generosity of this community. We’ve seen sacrificial service, inspirational faith, and consistent benevolence.
We too seek to follow suit – not out of peer pressure, but because of our desire to give the first share of God’s blessing back to Him. We’ve lived many of the last 20 years on little more than one income. In California. Raising three children! When there was little to give, we tried to give something. God has never failed us. Though there wasn’t always extra in our home, there was always enough.
Jesus said “Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you” (Matt. 5:42). A soccer player in class raising money for her team. A friend who needs to borrow a truck. A nonprofit fighting human trafficking. A student participating in Global Outreach. Like many of you, we direct much of our giving to student experiences. Having undergone incredible transformation during college ourselves, we love to support students pursuing the same. Freely you have received; freely give (Matt. 5:8).
As we endeavor to give generously, we also receive generously. We’ve raised thousands for missional efforts, Jessup endowments, and so forth. In summer 2022, God lavishly provided over $12,000 for our family trip to Kenya; our outreach to Africa together. My college friend John said of giving, “It’s all God’s money. Sometimes it’s in my pocket; others it’s in yours.”
I love the words in Malachi 3:10. It’s the only time Scripture says to test God. To the stubborn Israelites, God says “Bring the whole tithe [firstfruits] into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. ‘Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” By the way, the only other use of “floodgates of heaven” in Scripture is during Noah’s flood when the whole earth was consumed.
We share this, not to draw attention to ourselves, but to our generous God. We can truly say that there has never been a time when God hasn’t blessed us for having given. What would it look like for you to “test God” in giving, whether to Jessup, your church, or other needs around you? We dare you to try it, and see what God will do!