CrossFit Kingdom Opens in Lincoln
Fulfilling a need in pursuit of his dreams, alumnus Nathan Schattner is the owner of Lincoln’s newest CrossFit offering, known as CrossFit Kingdom. Schattner hosted the grand opening for his business last December. “It was really cool to see the business materialize from just an idea, to reality,” he said. “I still wake up and remind myself, as a business owner, I’m making all the decisions now, unlike when I worked for an employer.”
Working in software sales for over nine years, Schattner was ready to make a career change and knew it would likely be in the fitness arena. “While I was at Jessup, I was part of the men’s track and field team and a strength and conditioning coach for the men’s basketball team. That experience helped me recognize my interest in helping people reach their performance goals,” the longtime donor of his alma mater said.
After doing some research, Schattner learned there were no CrossFit options in Lincoln and decided to give it a go. “It takes a bit of courage to quit something you’re comfortable with,” Schattner said. “But, one day I woke up and decided to quit my job and go for it.”
CrossFit Kingdom has garnered good results so far. Schattner’s original goal was to have 40 members within six months and acquired 30 in just two months. “I find that roughly half of the people who come to check us out have done CrossFit before while the other half are completely new to it,” he said. “In general, I think the CrossFit community is pretty inviting. There are lots of different people who participate. I have a variety of clients ranging from 19-year old gals to 55 year-old men…it runs the gamut. With the right training and guidance, basically any skill or age level can do this fitness routine and accomplish their goals.”
One of the greatest benefits of his new venture is helping clients be the best they can be. “It’s so rewarding working with people and watching them over one, three or six months overcome something they used to struggle with and now it’s easy for them. It’s amazing to see their progress and the confidence it gives them,” he said.
Many people come in to meet new friends at the primarily small group classes. CrossFit Kingdom is located at 183 Flocchini Circle, just down the way from Gypsy Chic Vintage Market.
Schattner starts classes as early as 6 a.m. Monday through Saturday. Saturday’s from 8-9 a.m. is a free class for beginners to come and learn the fundamentals of CrossFit. The gym is closed on Sunday.