Alumnus Drives Leadership to the Top

Alumnus Drives Leadership to the Top

As a Jessup alumnus, Matthew Whitt reflects on his faith journey with gratitude and views his Jessup experience as the catalyst to his ever-increasing love for the Lord. “Looking back, there were so many beneficial things about my education,” he said. “My spiritual formation group was amazing and helped me recognize my identity is in how Christ sees me, as a beloved child of God. That fact sticks with me today, whether I’ve had a tough day at work or I’m experiencing trouble in relationships,” he said. “In essence, Jessup helped me build my foundation in Christ.”

His college years fostered his spiritual growth. “I remember questioning many aspects of my faith, but in a healthy way. I found myself asking hard questions and digging deep to make sense of what I believed,” he said. Surrounded by professors and peers who modeled Christ-like values and encouraged thoughtful discussions about faith, the business major was subtly shaped in countless ways. 

“My professors were authentic. They talked to me and understood where I was coming from and  helped me balance school, work and life,” he said. “I never felt uncomfortable approaching them. I knew they would provide me with a biblical perspective and keep me accountable with their follow up. It pushed me to do better.” 

During his senior year, he was a full-time student, working 20 hours a week at an internship he had with Ramped Careers in a training position, all while he worked 30 hours a week at Topgolf. While at Topgolf, Whitt moved up the ranks from busser, to onboarding new employees, eventually promoted to training lead helping oversee the training department. Having worked there since his sophomore year, it was a job where he was well respected, but one he had to leave to pursue what he thought was his dream job.

After graduation, Whitt secured a project coordinator position with a marketing company where he helped oversee a $95 million budget. As he continued to remain in touch with his former coworkers at Topgolf, he was repeatedly reminded of just how unique his experience was. “I realized that I have my whole life to work for some Fortune 500 company, but I don’t have my whole life to work in a place where I am so supported and loved because of the relationships I have.”

It was three months later that he learned about a managerial opening with his former employer. He interviewed and earned the title of hospitality manager in July of 2022. Whitt now oversees 350 employees and heads up Topgolf’s training program as their training manager. “I love guiding people and helping them learn,” he said. “I pursued a business degree because it allows you to impact a lot of people and this job helps me bless others on a large scale.” This position provides Whitt the invaluable opportunity to live out John 15:13, what has become his favorite verse: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” 

The skills Whitt developed through Jessup’s business program prepared him well. His education focused on critical business practices including strategic marketing, risk management, budgeting, economics, operations management, finances, planning and project management, to name a few. He also regularly uses American Sign Language on the job, a skill he obtained through a course at Jessup. 

In his managerial role with Topgolf, Whitt leans on the truths he absorbed during his university experience, sparking a renewed and fervent commitment to his faith. Today, he credits his alma mater for planting seeds that have since blossomed into a deep, unshakable relationship with God — one he is able to demonstrate both on and off the job.