Dorisa D. Costello, Ph.D.
  • Associate Professor

  • School of Humanities and the Arts

  • Rocklin, CA



  • Ph.D. English and Creative Writing, University of Illinois

  • M.A. English with Creative Writing, California State University of Los Angeles

  • B.A. English and Secondary Education, Linfield College


Select credits include the following:

  • "Forgotten and Forgetting Places: Amnesia and Liminal Landscapes in Slipstream Fantasy." Northeastern Modern Language Association Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 2022.

  • "Blood Ties and Vampire Families: Queer Kinship in Octavia E. Butler's Fledgling." Northeastern Modern Language Association Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2021.

  • “Female Vampires as Embodied Critiques of Heteronormativity, Blood-mixing, and Patriarchy: From Carmilla to Fledgling” in Embodied Difference: Divergent Bodies in Public Discourse, Jamie A. Thomas and Christina Jackson, eds. Lexington Books: Lanham, MD., 2019.

  • “Undead Corpse/ Corpus: Textual Transmission and Butler’s Ek-static Subject in Le Fanu’s Carmilla” in Disease, Death, Decay in Literatures and Cultures, Ryszard W. Wolny and Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska, eds. Uniwersytet Opolski: Opole, Poland, 2018.

  • “‘Just Like Heaven’: Death, Dreaming, and Multmodality in Hall’s The Raw Shark Texts,” 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference: Dreams, Phantasms and Memories, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, 2018.

  • “What’s Love Got to Do with It?: The Language of Sex in Contemporary American Romance Novels.” The FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region Conference, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2018.

  • “The Second Eric Sanderson: Multi-Textuality, Identity and Memory in Hall’s The Raw Shark Texts” in History, Memory and Nostalgia in Literature and Culture, Regina Rudaityte, ed. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2018.

  • “Everybody Loves an Idiot: the Demasculinization of the Father in American Sitcoms,” 7th International Conference Linguistic, Educational and Intercultural Research, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2017.