In partnership with the Church, the purpose of Jessup University is to educate transformational leaders for the glory of God.

The Jessup University vision is that our graduates will be transformed and will help redeem world culture by providing notable servant leadership; by enriching family, church and community life; and by serving with distinction in their chosen career.

Community Covenant
Jessup’s current Community Covenant and Chapters is available as a pdf document.
Statement of Faith
We believe in one God, the maker of heaven and earth: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Holy Bible and made known in Jesus Christ our Lord;
We believe that Jesus the divine Son became human, was born of a virgin, ministered in word and miracle, died for our sin, was raised bodily from the dead, ascended to God’s right hand and is coming again for His people;
We believe that the Holy Spirit is presently ministering through the Christian community, empowering lives of godliness and service;
We believe that the Holy Bible is completely God breathed, true in all its teaching, and the final authority for all matters of faith and practice;
We believe that Jesus Christ established His church on earth to carry out His saving mission among all ethnic groups and formed her to be one holy people;
We believe in God’s saving grace that calls forth from all people: faith, repentance, confession, baptism, and new life and ministry through the Spirit; and
We commit ourselves to the teachings, practice and defense of these truths until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

University Goals
Jessup University desires that its graduates will exemplify transformational leadership in church and society through the integration of their faith, learning, and critical thought in the arenas of Christian literacy, communication and intellectual skills, professional competence, and global citizenship. Jessup students will be prepared to:
- Articulate the relevance of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and a Biblical worldview to their personal and professional lives.
- Communicate effectively across cultures.
- Demonstrate critical, analytical, and creative thinking.
- Exhibit competence in their chosen disciplines.
- Engage in a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, character formation, and service to their local and global communities.
Discover Jessup
Jessup University is a place where you’ll encounter God’s love, find a close-knit community, then graduate ready to lead in your chosen field.
You were meant to make a difference. We’ll get you ready.