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Update #8 Team Western Europe is back home!

After a full day of travel, the Western Europe team has made it back home! Please join us in praying that the team would be able to reflect well about…

Update #7 Western Europe

Hi y’all! Amanda here with western Europe’s blog! Man what a busy couple of days! Tuesday we woke up had breakfast and a Marilyn read us a devo, prayed and…

Update #6 Western Europe

Wow! We just finished day nine! We are having so much fun serving these precious kids and their moms. Today we added a second location to our “English Immersion” camp….

Update #5 Western Europe

Hola amigos!  We have been staying busy over here in Western Europe! Yesterday during camp we played some fun water games with the kids, and today we traveled with to…

Update #4 Western Europe

Hola de Western Europe! These last two days have been a blessing.Wednesday we started the morning with breakfast made by Marilyn and Amanda. We then walked to the refugee center…

Update #3 Western Europe

What up fam! It’s Cole, Yesterday was such a blessing.We started our morning with breakfast made by your very own chef Cole and sous chef Hailey. We then walked to…

Update #2 Western Europe

Hola, de Western Europe! We have had an eventful past 2 days!We started our Sunday with a yummy breakfast and headed to church! We traveled in the metro (which is…

Update #1 Team Western Europe is safe & settled!

The team has made it safely to their country and is excited for these next two weeks! Please be praying that they adjust to the time change quickly and that…

Team Western Europe is departing!

Our seventh Global Outreach team of the summer is on a plane on their way to Western Europe to start their two weeks serving refugees! Please join us in praying…

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