After a few travel stops, the Southeast Asia C team has made it back home! Please join us in praying that the team would remain healthy as they come back…
We’ve now switched to having our soccer camps. We got the opportunity to play soccer with some kids from another village. We were dominateddddd. The score was only 1-0 but…
Things have been a little bit hard to get used to, new food- a.k.a…chicken and rice almost every day, driving on the left side of the road, and the Bahasa…
What a first couple of days it has been at our worksite! Servanthood here includes devotions, sharing testimonies, learning the culture, playing pickleball and soccer, experiencing fellowship, and worship. Food…
Our first day in B (our stopover city)!! Our flights were 14hrs and consisted of face masks, sleep, and lots of coffee. When we first walked in the welcome sign…
Update #1 Team Southeast Asia C is safe in country!
The team has made is safely to their country after a couple lengthy flights through the night! They are staying the night on one of the main islands before they…
Our sixth Global Outreach team of the summer is on their way to the airport to start their two weeks in Southeast Asia! Please join us in praying for their…
Teammates: Ashley, Natalie, Isaac, Breanna, Gerardo, Daniel
Task: This team will work with House of Hope, a place that cares for kids and trains up leaders by providing them with education, meals, and housing that is otherwise unaccessible to them. While serving on this trip, the team will participate in a soccer ministry which is extremely popular in the community. The team will be helping to host soccer clinics and camps and have the opportunity to share the gospel with the kids and teens that they play and serve with in those communities.
can’t wait!