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Update #7 Team Eastern Europe is home!

After about 25 hours of travel back home, the team made it back to campus safe and sound! (Plus very sleepy. :)) Please continue to pray for the team as…

Update #6 Eastern Europe

On Wednesday night, we had the opportunity to visit the Palace of Parliament. This impressive building is the second-largest administrative building in the world, surpassed only by the Pentagon. It…

Update #5 Eastern Europe

Hello family and friends! It has been a lot of hard but good work these last couple of days. We continued our work with the church on Monday by helping…

Update #4 Eastern Europe

Day 6/7/8: A Weekend in Eastern Europe Buna! Hello! Esther here. As we continue our outreach, we got to meet others who have been serving at the church. They were…

Update #3 Eastern Europe

Days 3 and 4  The last two days have been filled with joy serving the Ukrainian refugees and the people in this country. Our first full day at the church…

Update #2 Eastern Europe

Our team began the first day by prayer walking through the city. Our team hosts guided us to various locations where we stopped to pray for specific topics. These included…

Update #1 Team Eastern Europe is safe and settled!

After a couple lengthy flights over the Atlantic and Europe, our team has made it to their destination in Eastern Europe! They are enjoying some dinner and heading to their…

Team Eastern Europe is departing!

Our second Global Outreach team of the summer is now off to the airport to start their two weeks in Eastern Europe! This team is small but mighty and has…

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