
South America

Update #11 Team South America is back home!

By | 2024 Teams, South America

After many hours of travel back home and a missed flight, the team finally made it back to the states safe and sound! Please continue to pray for the team as they experience re-entry back into the US, that they would draw close to the Lord through navigating reverse culture shock and that they would be transformed by this experience even in their daily rhythms. 

Make sure to ask a team member about their experience and how you can be praying for them specifically!

Update #10 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

On our last couple of days serving at two different hospitals we had the privilege of feeling like royalties during our visit. The leadership and staff were so warm and welcoming. They gave us a tour of the facility along with tea crumpets. Our nursing team members got the opportunity to be hands on and take vitals signs for the moms in active labor, listen to the baby’s heartbeat with the Doppler machine and learned from the staff nurses how to assess the positioning of the baby in the mother’s womb. They also got to hold a premature baby and feed them and see how they apply phototherapy for premature babies with jaundice. It was beautiful to see one of our team members communicating in sign language to a lovely deaf couple at the hospital. 
Our highlights also included receiving a tour of the hospital areas and getting to work alongside doctors and nurses in the ER and the Med-Surg floor. One of our team members got to change central lines dressing and had the opportunity to feed patients as if she was feeding Jesus. These two days were very busy and it included lots of direct assistance and lots of prayers during the visits. While at the second hospital, our team got the opportunity to do post-mortem care on a patient who had just passed and helped console the family and pray over them. All in all this was a very fruitful day loving on others, being a light and learning skills that our nursing team members will bring back home in preparation for their next semester in the nursing program.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #9 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

Bom dia familia e amigos!! Como estão?
On our last two days serving with the children from the community, we prepared multiple stations of activities. We had an amazing time with them as they explored different stations including coloring bookmarks, arts and crafts, sensory toys, creating crosses with sticks, making bracelets and paper airplane, water balloons and so much more! The rooms were filled with laughter and smiles and lots of fun craziness.
We had the opportunity to show God’s love through all these activities but also by talking, encouraging and praying for the children/staff. Our hearts were heavy to say goodbye to those amazing little angels but we know their faces will be in our hearts forever.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #8 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

What a blessing and honor to worship together with our fellow Brazilian family. In first service we volunteered in Children’s ministry and babies. The smiles, giggles and laughter of these incredibly children were such a blessing for us to witness. We then attended the second service where we heard Pastor Costa preach a powerful message about the importance of building relationships with others and living out our testimony. After service we got lunch with the Pastor and his wife. Then we attended church again for the night service at a difference campus and received another amazing message about the Prodigal Son.
We miss you all and continue to appreciate all the prayers!!!!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #7 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

Hello friends and family,
Today we get to have the day off.

We got to sleep a little longer and that was great as we have been on a go, go, go.
After breakfast we drove across the city (that took us around 1 hour) to a beach town called Cumbuco.
The day was very relaxing and we got to walk on the beach, swim in the ocean when it was raining and eat delicious seafood.
The little beach town is known for its famous sand dunes.
We got to do a buggy adventure on the sand dunes and stop a couple of times on fresh water lakes.
Lots of laughter and fun, it was a great day to relax and bond as a group!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #6 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

Hey family and friends! Today was filled with smiles as we hosted a party for the impoverish children of the community. Our team, along side some church volunteers provided and organized a variety of activities in which included a soap soccer inflatable, snacks (popcorn, cotton candy…), face painting, and a nutrition and hygiene lesson. Each child had the opportunity to see a nutritionist and a dentist that came. With all the kind donations our team received from you guys (thank you all so much), we were able to provide the kids with a gift bag with toothbrush, toothpaste and floss plus each child also received a a diary (My secrets with Jesus). The team enjoyed worshiping, loving and blessing those children. We left the school with full hearts as we saw the children leaving with huge smiles and amazing memories that we will all carry in our hearts forever!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #4 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

Day 3 was such a blessing! In the morning we received a tour at the clinic and learned about how everything works there. Our team loved seeing how so many building are brightly painted and that brought joy to our hearts. We were received as special guests, the Doctors and Nurses met with us in their office and served us delicious cake (called Romeo and Juliet), along with the traditional fruit juice. The women answered questions about the day to day running of the clinic, down to their mobile clinic, and home visits. We got a full tour of the facility. We were met with joy and excitement for the opportunity to help in the future.

The evening included joining one of the church Pastors and a group prison ministry volunteers to the prison. We had the honor and privilege of being in worship and praise with the inmates at the prison. There must’ve been 100-120 both inmates and correctional officers there all in one room! We heard the pastors incredible message about Jacob’s perseverance and the hope of Jesus through Abraham, Issac and Jacob. We heard the pastor’s testimony and our team spoke to the crowd of inmates. The expression on their face lit up when we shared our hearts. Afterwards, we were invited to sit with some of the inmate pastoral leaders and have a snack. We got to get to know a little of the volunteers during this time. We were also honored with handmade gifts that the inmates made as a token of their appreciation. The inmates and officers genuinely were full of joy and enthusiasm. We definitely felt the presence of God’s peace and the love and desire for Jesus in that place. It was a powerful and moving night!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #3 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

We are so grateful today that we got to experience the Lord move amidst our time with the elderly women at the community center. We got to hear a special devotional message from the lead group facilitator and her story about the obedience of Mary in honor of Mother’s Day. We had the most beautiful and impacting opportunity to pray for EACH and every woman, mother and grandmother over their lives, family, and health. We were so loved on by these amazing obedient women of God; there were about 30-35 of them!
We also got to have a brief English teaching session and games with 10-12 yr old kids. They loved listening to our English and asked us funny questions about America. They especially loved looking at Lara’s big beautiful eyes. LOL
We ended the night with a nice evening dinner and honoring a birthday of one of the leaders of Pastor’s church
We are asking prayers for continued renewing of our bodies and to give us energy for the long days ahead. We are asking the Lord to guide our steps and help us to keep focused on what He has plans for us and fully trust what His will is for our trip here in South America.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #2 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

What’s up family and friends!! After a taking three planes and staying almost 2 days without sleeping, the South America team finally got to enjoy a good night of sleep! Our first day was filled with excitement of learning about the new culture and trying some new delicious food. We got to meet the leaders of the church that we will be serving alongside and also attended the Wednesday night church service. It was beautiful to see how the locals worship with all their heart and are on fire for God.

After church the Team went to get dinner and enjoyed some delicious South American pizza. Fun fact, in this area people don’t use their fingers to touch their food, so they use a fork and knife to eat pizza or sometimes disposable gloves. We have been praying and have prepared some great activities to do with the children and elderly ministry tomorrow- we are so excited! Thank you for all of your prayers!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #1 Team South America is safe and settled!

By | 2024 Teams, South America

After three lengthy flights to get to their final destination, the team is safe and settling into their room. Even with not a lot of sleep on the flights and feeling a little tired, their spirits are high and they’re ready to take on their first day!

Join us in praying for them to regain energy and adjust well to the new culture as they settle in and meet those they will be doing ministry with.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.