
2024 Teams

Update #3 Southeast Asia C

By | 2024 Teams, Southeast Asia C

What a first couple of days it has been at our worksite! Servanthood here includes devotions, sharing testimonies, learning the culture, playing pickleball and soccer, experiencing fellowship, and worship. Food is also a big part of the culture here and the team and I have been very fortunate to try new foods while being comforted by lots and lots of rice;) Exploring the island is enlightening in and of itself, but to see the kids’ joy throughout playing pickleball the last two days has been something none of us will forget. The simplicity and slowness of life here encourages solitude with God and community engagement. Not only are kids involved in playing pickleball, but the staff as well. What’s nice is that no one is afraid to get dirty and sweat or be out in the sun.

I think I can speak for the rest of the team when I say the most challenging yet FUN part so far has been trying to learn the language of everyone here. With that, learning and effort results in bonding as well as a deep connection. It is also really cool to see how each kid appreciates us trying to learn their language while they try to learn ours. – Natalie Sexauer

We’ve eaten at great restaurants, walked the land around our site, worked in the kitchen, learned how to (kinda) communicate with all our new friends and raided all of the convenience stores in town. We are definitely noticed by ALL which is all the more reason to share God’s love with the masses. Winnie has finally joined us, so we have our whole team complete…we’re very happy to say the least. So excited to see what the days ahead look like!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Team Western Europe is departing!

By | 2024 Teams, Western Europe

Our seventh Global Outreach team of the summer is on a plane on their way to Western Europe to start their two weeks serving refugees!

Please join us in praying for their safety as they travel, and for their health (spiritual, mental, and physical) while they are on the trip. Pray that the team would be strengthened by the Lord each day as they pour out in service and that they would see God at work each day and in new ways throughout their trip. We can’t wait to hear about how God is already at work in this team and how He will use them to minister to those they encounter in Western Europe.

We will update again once they have arrived safely in Western Europe!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #2 Southeast Asia C

By | 2024 Teams, Southeast Asia C

Our first day in B (our stopover city)!! Our flights were 14hrs and consisted of face masks, sleep, and lots of coffee. When we first walked in the welcome sign said “Home of the Gods”. This is one of the biggest Muslim cultures…meaning Christianity isn’t. Which is very different from America. Today I opened my Bible plan and I am at Luke 15. This passage has three stories of Jesus saving the one. It talked about Jesus leaving the 99, how Heaven rejoices over a single sinner returning to God, and the Prodigal’s son. As I am faced with my desire for everything to go as planned, I am reminded of who God is that He is in control and is intentional. I am reminded that even if there is one person that hears the gospel from the trip it would be well worth all of this for the one. The one coming to the Father is something that money or time can’t buy, but it is only by the power of God through Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

So my prayer tonight and ask for you to join us to soften the soil of the one He is using us on this trip to bring home. More thsn one would be cool too, but that we will rely on the one that does the saving and rest that he is in control. Pray for us too as we are also here to encounter God in a new culture!!

– Ashley Salazar

Once we got off the plane we were greeted by one of the House of Hope members that had our car and driver ready and waiting. Our hotel in B has a huge pool that we all couldn’t resist so we jumped in before dinner. We ate chicken, fish, shrimp, octopus, and rice at a restaurant on the water as the sun went down. Our first B sunset was one we won’t forget. After dinner we walked the streets and purchased bracelets, jerseys, and shoes all while being half asleep. It feels surreal being here after praying about this trip for many many months. We’re eager for our 9th group member, Winnie, to join us so soon. Next stop S (our ministry island)!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #1 Team Southeast Asia C is safe in country!

By | 2024 Teams, Southeast Asia C

The team has made is safely to their country after a couple lengthy flights through the night! They are staying the night on one of the main islands before they take a flight tomorrow to the island where they will be doing ministry the next 2 weeks. Please be praying for their safety on the next flight and for the team to gain some energy and have a restful night of sleep before they head to the island tomorrow and begin their ministry.

We are so excited to see all that the Lord is going to do!

Team Southeast Asia C is departing!

By | 2024 Teams, Southeast Asia C

Our sixth Global Outreach team of the summer is on their way to the airport to start their two weeks in Southeast Asia!

Please join us in praying for their safety as they travel, and for their health (spiritual, mental, and physical) while they are on the trip. Pray that the team would be filled with the Holy Spirit as they minister to the people they encounter on the island, and they would act with humility, gentleness, and love to every person they interact with. We are so excited for all that the Lord is going to do in them and through them in Southeast Asia!

We will update again once they have arrived safely in Southeast Asia!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #9 Team Central Asia is back home!

By | 2024 Teams, Central Asia

After the longest flight of our summer teams, the Central Asia team has made it back home! They are ready for good showers, fresh fruits & veggies, and some well deserved rest! Please pray that the team would remain healthy or regain health as they come back to the US and that they would be able to seek out and apply all that God has to teach them about their experience in Central Asia.

Make sure to ask a team member about their experience and how you can be praying for them specifically!

Update #8 Central Asia

By | 2024 Teams, Central Asia

Hola! (From Cass)

We started off our Tuesday with a great team Devo led by our very own Josh and then we had a time of worship together. As we wrapped up our much needed morning team time together, our field worker came over and briefed us on our schedule for the week. While he was talking to us he let us know that there were a few absolute musts for us to try before going home at the end of the week. One of those things was having lunch at a beautiful restaurant called Tartin. So, after our briefing we all headed to Tartin to have a team brunch. Our field worker was right! It was absolutely stunning and the food was beautiful and delicious.

After our brunch, Tabitha, Emily, Hannah, and Alyssa headed to the Dushanbe mall where they were able to make another contact that they will hopefully be able to follow up with before the end of the week! While they were doing this, Josh and Dom had a meeting with another fieldworker to learn the ins and outs of business in the context of the ministry here. Cass and Deb headed to a Museum of Antiquities and saw some really cool artifacts before going to a prayer set where they interceded for University Students here and around the world.

After that prayer set was done we began prepping for the next prayer set to intercede for Afghans and it began to thunder and rain hard and the power went out with a pop! Just then, the rest of the team arrived to the prayer room and we proceeded to do the prayer set with just the lighting from the windows. Emily, Alyssa, and Josh had prepped a worship set for the third session in prayer and worship. And the power being out called for a quick change of plans. Instead of playing the bass, Josh played the cajón, the two girls lead the vocals and our field worker helped out by playing the acoustic guitar. It was a beautiful time of worship and a good reminder that nothing can get in the way of offering our worship to the Lord.

After the set we headed out to have a team dinner at Bella’s which is an amazing pizzeria owned by M’s serving here. We had delicious food and great conversation. Then to end the night, our field worker invited us over for a bonfire. We all sat by the fire, laughed and shared stories, the kids of other field workers that were there loved playing with Tabitha and Hannah, and it was just an overall great time of fellowship.

Please keep us in prayer as we aim to finish out this final week strong and we can wait to see and hug our loved ones back home!

To didan!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #11 Team Southeast Asia A is back home!

By | 2024 Teams, Southeast Asia A

After a long night with little sleep, our Southeast Asia A team has made it back to the states safe and sound! Please continue to pray for the team as they navigate coming back into the US and potentially experiencing reverse culture shock. We are praying that they would lean into all that God has for them now that they are home, and that as they reflect on their time in country, they would be transformed by this experience and obedient to the Lord for what is next.

Make sure to ask a team member about their experience and how you can be praying for them specifically!

Update #7 Central Asia

By | 2024 Teams, Central Asia

Assalom! *w/ right hand over heart*

We hope all is well back home!!! We’ve started our last week here strong 🙂 Yesterday (Monday) our day began with a Devo by Dominic and a time a worship led by Emily. We then headed to our fieldworker’s gathering place to worship with locals and everyone there shared highs and low from last week. Next, we had another language lesson and learned fruits, animals, and shopping lingo. It was a funny time with word games to help us learn. We all had a laugh attack when I (Deb) wasn’t able to say Lablabu, beet in this language… it’s pronounced Lah-blah-boo, instead, La-blah-blue kept coming out.

Thankfully, Tabitha and Hannah had the chance to visit a local school. They toured this international school with one of our fieldworkers and even pet a hedge hog, a favorite in the classrooms. While they had fun at school, the rest of us hit up one of our favorite coffee shops where Josh met up with a fieldworker to talk about the business side of this organization. And he was able to make friends with a local waiter.

Most of the gals headed to their last fitting for their Kurtas, done by a local business woman. They can’t wait to see the final product!! Later that evening, Josh, Alyssa, and Emily were able to go practice for their worship set today at a secured spot in the city where Christians gather for prayer and worship. Such an honor!

And unfortunately, we had another team member fall victim to a stomach bug. Poor Cass had a rough day trying to hold back from getting sick, even to the point of actively swallowing her own vomit 🤮 Yuck!! Should we give her an award or what?

Praise the Lord for all He’s doing here and the work He’s so proud of! We’re very thankful to see a small piece of what’s in the works.

Thank you for your prayers!! Please continue praying for health, safety, and peace.

To didan!!! <3

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #10 Southeast Asia A

By | 2024 Teams, Southeast Asia A

hi friends and family!!

Today we woke up early to take multiple Jeepneys and trains to get to Tondo so we could visit Smoky Mountain. Smoky Mountain is a community built on top of a hill made entirely of trash. It is called Smoky Mountain because it is so hot that the trash will burn and catch on fire creating a bunch of smoke. We did a VBS with the kids which included singing songs, playing games, performing a skit on the story of Jonah, and doing a craft. After that we were able to feed the kids and pass out food. This community was the poorest community we have seen so far and the definitely the hottest place we have been. 

After the feeding, we were able to visit the girls home in Tondo while the guys visited the boys home. The girls home was an apartment on the 5th story of an apartment complex. The home consisted of 8 girls who all used to live in the slums of Tondo. Every week these girls attend church, Youth Lab (youth group), Bible study, and do community outreach on Smoky Mountain every Saturday morning. It was inspiring to hear their stories and see them all breaking the cycle of poverty while still serving and ministering to their own communities.

After our visit in Tondo we’re able to grab lunch with all of the leaders and then started our trek back home. Back at the YMC, we went swimming, got dessert at Jolibees (super popular fast food joint), and played games to end our day.

Excited for our last couple of days here!

~ Taylor

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.