
Central America

Update #7 Team Central America is home!

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

We had our last full day of ministry on Wednesday and it was so sweet! It was clear that God was moving and that he will continue to move even after we’re gone in this community. Each group was able to encourage families with the water filters, with their own testimonies, and with the hope of the gospel. Over our two weeks, we collectively installed 157 water filters and 210 people heard the good news of Jesus!

To end our trip with some intentional debrief and rest, yesterday we had our free day and our very last day of our global trip! We started our day off by taking a 45 minute boat ride out to an island. We got life jackets, masks, and flippers and then head out to go snorkeling! We were able to snorkel in the second largest barrier reef in the world and we saw many different schools of fish, conch shells, lobsters, etc. It was so cool! We got back in the boat and took a short ride to where the stingrays and nurse sharks like to hang out (very scary) and then we got to swim with them too. After that we fed tarpon, we held little sardines and they jumped out of the water and ate it out of our hands (also very scary). For some of us it was our first time snorkeling and it was amazing!

After we went back to the island and ate lunch and then had some time to explore the island and the little souvenir shops and get some sweet treats (or some much needed coffee). We headed back to the mainland after a very full day for dinner, more time at the pool, and of course mao, the worst card game ever.

Today we traveled back home and have all returned safely, so thank you for praying for safe travels! We are very sad to be leaving this wonderful country and our new APU and Simpson University friends, but are excited to see the ways God is going to use our experiences for His glory at home. See you all soon!!

Update #6 Central America

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

Hi friends and family, we miss you out here! It’s crazy to think we only have two days left of our global trip. The past few days we have gone out into different villages and areas of the community to distribute filters. Each day we have been working in partnership with the community’s local church, and it is really sweet to meet so many different church members and volunteers and get to know them. After every day of ministry we have gathered around the pastor and church staff and prayed over them and their ministry and it has really been so special to see how the church is flourishing everywhere!

Here are some stories we wanted to share with you from the wonderful people we got to meet yesterday:

Jess and Nick were on a team where the person they visited whose name is Martha said she had 25 kids and none of them gave her anything for mother’s day. Their team was able to bless her with 2 belated mother’s day gifts of the water filter and the gospel. Martha was very open about her life and the team was able to pray over her health, her family, her spirit, and over protection of her mind, body and home!

Bianca and Gabbie got to speak to a wonderful family where a woman named Janelle had shared with them how she had prayed the night before asking God to make a way for her to rededicate her life to him, they spent a long time talking to her, listening to her story, and sharing part of theirs as well and we were able to witness God working in her and her family they had a lovely farm and adorable children they all prayed and confessed Jesus as lord and we continue to pray for them and their spiritual journey!

Brian and Jordyn were on a team where we visited this woman named Esther, only one of the incredible people we got to meet yesterday. She was very involved in her local church and she shared a part of her testimony with us. It was very encouraging to see how God has worked in her life! We were able to pray over her health and for her husband who wasn’t a believer. Our whole team will say that the Holy Spirit was moving and speaking in that prayer in such a tangible way, it was really amazing to encounter God with Esther in prayer!

Please pray for our last day of ministry here, that the Lord can prepare the hearts of the people we meet and continue to speak through us to bless and encourage them. Also for good health and that we would stay hydrated and protected from the sun!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #5 Central America

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

Yesterday we had a safe and short flight over to our second country. It is very, very humid and hot here but spirits are good and we are excited to continue in ministry and serving the Lord in a new place. Saturday afternoon we relaxed at the pool at our hotel (our hotel is right on the ocean – we’re stoked) and then ventured into town to pick up some snacks at the grocery store.

Sunday morning we went to a local church, it was such a blessing to be able to worship and hear a message in the community we were going to serve (Mark wore a very snazzy shirt, seen below). One of our favorite moments from today was an impromptu worship session after lunch in the church. The Holy Spirit is definitely moving here! Afterwards we broke up into teams and went out into the community distributing the water filters and sharing Jesus. We would love continued prayer for physical strength of our team especially with the heat, and that the people we meet are welcoming to us and receptive to the message of the gospel.

p.s. facts is the gen z amen

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #4 Central America

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

We wrapped up our time of ministry in our first country on Thursday. As a group, we distributed 97 filters and shared the gospel with 129 people in our four days here. The Lord did incredible things in this place as we were able to witness 47 individuals accept Jesus for the first time, 17 people rededicating their lives to the Lord, and we were encouraged by 43 people who already professed Jesus Christ as Lord. What a blessing that God chose to use us for His glory!

Today for our fun day, we had the opportunity to ride horses up an active volcano! It was about an hour up to the top (in what felt like a torrential downpour), where we ate pizza cooked in the side of the volcano. We got to take a lot of pictures and enjoy the beautiful views of the volcanos and city below us. Definitely a bucket list experience and something we will never forget! Later in the afternoon we went to an outdoor market in the town square. Don’t worry, many souvenirs were bought and many quetzals were spent.

We are heading to our second country tomorrow, so please be praying for safe travels and continued good health! Mucho amor de tu equipo global favorito🥰🤩

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #3 Central America

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

We have had an amazing time here in Central America after our third day! The past two days we have started our day with coffee and breakfast and then devotional time led by our fieldworkers. Then we are bussed to the communities where we have the opportunity to install water filters and share the gospel with people. We are mixed up with the other universities and sent out in teams of 4-5 with a translator to different homes. Typically we get to speak with around 2 families before and after lunch each day. Afterwards, we went out for tacos and ice cream, and had the opportunity to continue to explore the city.

For us Jessup students, it has been incredibly encouraging to witness what God is doing, both in our own lives and in the people we have the pleasure of meeting. In our team debriefs, we have talked about how we have all been challenged to grow in our walk with the Lord and step out in faith to boldly declare the truths of the gospel. This has been an incredible experience for all of us, and we would love your continued prayer that we could love others well with all truth and boldness!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #2 Central America

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

Hola friends and family! We had an awesome first day in Central America. We had trainings with the other universities in the morning and then we were sent out in teams in the afternoon to install water filters in homes and share the love of Jesus with people we met! Our highlight so far has definitely been how incredible it was to hear the locals testimonies and have the opportunity to learn more about their lives and their culture. In the evening we went out for ice cream in the town square. We tried some wacky flavors (Jess had parmesan walnut ice cream – gross).

Much love from the Central America team!

Update #1 Team Central America is safe and settled!

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

After a couple of late/early flights, the team has landed safely at their destination in Central America! They are meeting up with some other university teams now to go to their hotel together and begin their ministry.

Praise God for safe travels! Be praying that they would adjust well to this new country and culture and gain some energy to start the week! The team will send an update in the next couple of days.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Team Central America is departing!

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

Praise God! Our first Global Outreach team of the summer is off to the airport to start their two weeks in Central America! Five team members left from campus and the other three will meet them at the airport. Please join us in praying for their safety as they travel, and for their health (spiritual, mental, and physical) while they are on the trip. Pray for the team to continue to draw near to the Lord, and to be filled up by his presence as they pour out in service, meeting the physical need of access to clean water in Central America.

We will update again once they have arrived safely in Central America!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

The team is together & ready to fly! Pray they get some sleep on the planes. 🙂