
2023 Teams

Update #8 Central Europe

By | 2023 Teams, Central Europe

So we were reading the Book of Acts…and we ended up in Greece to visit the Biblical cities of Philippi and Kavala (in Biblical times it was known as Neapolis!). 

Honestly, Greece was amazing and we saw so many unique sites in just one day. We all piled into the van at 7:00 AM, tired but stoked, and trucked along for about 4 hours until we reached Lydia’s Baptistery! It’s a historical memorial to Lydia on the land that she was baptized! We even got to touch the river that she was baptized in! It was so cool! Being able to stand in the area that she was baptized in was incredible!

Then, we piled into the van again and drove to the Philippi Museum, which was filled with historical monuments and statues from the Biblical period. Then, we walked outside to tour the ruins of Christian Philippi! This was so cool to walk the same streets and places that Paul did. We also saw the Philippine prison that Paul was held in. Honestly, this was so cool to see where Paul wrote Philippians. He wrote such an encouraging book of the Bible while withstanding discouraging circumstances. And if the weather was anything like it was today, Paul was probably pretty uncomfortable and sweaty. 😂 Anyway, seeing his actual prison cell really put the book of Philippians into perspective for me and gave the book an extra layer of meaning for me. 

After touring the museum, we had the BEST Gyros in the entire world. They were so delicious! 

Next, we were heading to Kavala. We all hiked up to a fortress way on top of the hill and saw the most breathtaking views of Kavala. We had fun climbing through the fortress, which was from the time of Paul! 

Then, we were free to explore the city! We roamed the streets, looking at souvenir shops, trying interesting Greek Frappes, and swimming in the Mediterranean! 

We then stopped in a cool coffee shop and bought coffee grounds!

For dinner, we accidentally walked onto the pier, thinking that’s where dinner was, but lo and behold, it was not the right destination. However, we got some great pictures out of the escapade! 

Luckily, the dinner location was quite close and we all tried amazing Greek food! However, Sophia was not a fan of harvesting the shrimp herself…

Now, the day has come to a close and we stayed in a great AirBnB. Experiencing Greece on our rest day was such an amazing experience! 

But don’t worry, it has not been all play and in the last few days since the last update, we have worked hard on finishing up our second VBS Camp! We have made great relationships and have been blessed with the opportunity to make an impact on these children though the Lord! ❤️

To my friends and family, I love and miss you so much! Also, you can rest assured that I have been diligent in closing my bags when walking around so I have yet to get anything stolen. Love y’all! ❤️


Things to pray for: 

  • continued strength, as I think a lot of us are starting to become very tired
  • That our last VBS would be fruitful and make a lasting impact on these children! 

Update #2 Southeast Asia

By | 2023 Teams, Southeast Asia

Dear Readers,

It’s April and Maddie, here to update you on Days 1 & 2 of our trip! 

We began with a 13hr flight that consisted of many naps and movies. After a small layover, we caught another flight that brought us to our destination! Thank you for all the prayers for safe and smooth travels!

Upon arrival, we met J, the AIM representative who will stick with us throughout our time here! He introduced us to our driver, B, who bussed us to our hotel. On the ride there, J told us to stay near the hotel for the day. This was because the streets were very busy, due to the election parade happening! 

After settling in, we walked across the street to dinner! Let me tell you, trying to order a hot-pot dinner for 8 people in a foreign language is a bit difficult! Eventually, the servers just brought out a bunch of food for us and we began concocting our delicious hot pot soups! We all tried new foods and enjoyed every moment of the experience. The restaurant staff ensured that we had a welcoming experience by playing a country song on the speakers, just for us 😉

On day 2, Sunday, we attended church. Good thing B taught us Khmer on the way there, because we were asked to introduce ourselves to the church in front of the congregation. We tried our best to speak Khmer and the congregation was so sweet! It is truly a beautiful thing to see how, even though we are on the other side of the world, we still worship the same almighty God. They provided in-ear translation devices for each of us, so we got to hear Pastor R’s powerful message of justice, mercy and humility. A little boy who sat next to Erin took a special fascination to the maps and pictures in her Bible. 🙂

After church, we headed to the soccer fields. This is where Maddie displayed professional soccer skills. Maddie, Jessup’s very own Goal Keeper, had the absolute time of her life. She was even asked to play Goalie for the highly skilled older-boys team in training! The rest of us huffed and puffed as we took turns playing Kings Court version of soccer with the smaller kiddos. Although the language barrier was a challenge, it was so rewarding for all when we found ways to communicate with one another on the field, mostly using hand signals and facial expressions. 

All in all, the first 2 days have been absolutely amazing and moving. As we take in our surroundings, the reality of the reason we’re here has really begun to set in. Psalm 23 has been a comfort to us. Please pray for emotional rest and protection, and that we will continue to have humble hearts of service and gratitude. 

Thanks for reading! 

Update #5 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

Thursday and Friday were our scheduled days in which we woke up for quiet time and chapel in the morning. After breakfast, we got ready to head out to our respective sites.

Education Site – Mark, Sofiya, and Spencer

We arrived at the site to excited kids opening the door for us. They high fived all of us and one of them even gave us a hug. There were 7 or 8 boys and 1 girl on Thursday. On Friday, we were joined by 2 more girls and 1 more boy.

The kids are on summer break from school so we don’t actually have lessons. This was just a way for the children to have something to do and hang out together. We read a Bible lesson with them and sang some songs first. On Thursday, we played “Pin a Tail on the Donkey”. The kids were so excited to have us, they screamed for Spencer to go first. They were calling out directions toward the donkey picture so we learned some Spanish direction words. On Friday, we watched a soccer movie, but kids got bored pretty quick. One of the girls tried braiding Sofiya’s hair and Mark taught one of the boys how to play guitar and played a secular DR rap song that he shouldn’t have played. Spencer played tag with the rest of the kids. 

We turned off the movie and instead played DR (Spicy) UNO and Dominos with the girls.

The boys picked up a ball and went outside to play kickball. They would always kick it outside the fence and then jump the fence to go get it. Some even climbed up on the roof to get the ball.

The kids got picked up right before lunch and after lunch, one of the summer interns did English lessons for high school and college students. On Thursday, we learned about animals. The lesson went both ways: they learned English and we learned Spanish. On Friday, we didn’t have English lessons so we cleaned, painted tables and played board games with the teacher assistant.

Volleyball Site- Jordynn

We had two bases. One base was at our home base and the other was at a gym like structure. My team got to meet so many different kids ranging from 7 to 19  girls and boys. My site is all about giving the kids in this town a community and family so they stay out of trouble in the streets. We literally played volleyball with their different teams for six hours straight. Before every individual practice someone shares a devotional and we pray so that God can be connected in the passion we share of volleyball. We all come from such different backgrounds and the language barrier was very difficult when learning drills for the first time, but it didn’t stop the laughter and joy that we all shared together or the cheers when we had a good play. 

During dinner in the community we went to one of the JV members houses and played DR Uno. It was so hectic and fun. We also shared slang from both sides of our homes to practice the language.

On Friday we shared our testimonies with the coaches and our site teams. We went to a place where two rivers meet and where cows and horses roamed freely. This whole trip I have been so scared because I didn’t understand what God’s purpose for me here was. When it became my turn I felt that God was telling me that it was finally my time to share my true testimony and it was then that I felt so much support and love. 

This entire trip so far has been nothing but joy and community. It is truly a blessing. 

Media Site – Alyssa

On Thursday it was Alyssa’s 22nd birthday and she spent her day doing what she loves; taking photos and videos that tell beautiful stories! 

The media department is cool because they get to visit all the different sites, taking pictures that showcase the Gospel message. When taking pictures they think about 4 different components; creation, the fall, redemption and restoration.

At the women’s site, she taught a little girl how to use her camera and the little girl went around and vlogged everything, it was ADORABLE! On her visit to the school where Sofiya, Mark and Spencer were, she almost got knocked out with the kickball TWICE.

At the Physical Therapy Site, she tried the best sweet coffee she’s ever tasted – she loves sugary coffee and so she absolutely LOVED it. 

She ended the day with the “Happy Birthday” song being sung by the team and a cinnamon roll from town that was gifted to her! 

She’s been having so much fun at media site and can’t wait for the final banquet where she gets to showcase her photos and videos to the rest of the base 🙂  

Medical Site – Harpreet and Cheyanne

On Thursday, day 4, Cheyanne and Harpreet went to one of the free clinics in the morning during which they saw ultrasounds and a birth control implant. Cheyanne got to do an ultrasound on a pregnant patient. In the afternoon, we visited a leader’s house who was paralyzed from the waist down. During both of these visits Harpreet was mistaken for being a local and even got hit on by a patient during the morning clinic. 

On Friday, day 5, we visited a medical hospital and saw patients there. Cheyenne assisted in a birth control implant. After morning clinic, we went to the plaza and had lunch, ran into the SI CEO and his team at the plaza. In addition to hearing K’s (the nurse) and Dr. G’s (OB-GYN physician) testimonies. After lunch as we headed to our Mamas and Babies home visit, it was pouring down rain while we commuted with the family and neighbors over homemade coconut pastries and soda. At said visit Harpreet held the sweet 11 month old baby, while K educated the mama on her second pregnancy.

For dinner on Thursday, we went to different host families’ homes. We got to meet families who live here and got to know them. We ate, talked, and played games, and it was a lot of fun. On Friday, we had game night. Alyssa won the first game and Cheyanne won the second one.

Prayer Requests:

 1. Homesickness

 2. One of our site leader’s son is sick so please pray for a quick recovery

-Caribbean team

Team East Africa is back home!

By | 2023 Teams, East Africa

Team East Africa landed safely in Sacramento on Saturday around noon. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for this team before, during, and now after their trip. It is evident that God was present with this team throughout their trip as they witnessed his many blessings.

Please continue to be praying for the East Africa team as they recover from jet lag and may experience reverse culture shock, especially as we enter 4th of July weekend. Pray that they would be comforted by the Lord as they remember and miss the people they met in East Africa and that they would lean into their relationship with God as they begin to debrief and process these past two weeks.

Make sure to ask your team member about their experience and how you can be praying for them and supporting them specifically now that they’re home! We thank you all!

Update #1 Team Southeast Asia is safe & settled!

By | 2023 Teams, Southeast Asia

Team Southeast Asia made it to their destination late Friday night CA time, and midday SE Asia time! Join us in praying for them as they get settled into their hotel and ease into the time change, the new culture, and the ministry!

We are so excited to see all that the Lord will do in and through them in these next two weeks! We will update again in a couple days when the team has a post ready.

Update #7 Central Europe

By | 2023 Teams, Central Europe

Hello family and friends! Welcome back to another day of Central European storytime. This is Sophia speaking, coming at you live from home base on our apartment couch. It was another long and wonderful day in the grassy hills of our host country. We kicked it off by meeting at 6am to work on the farm (no doubt this blows the minds of most of our loved ones 😉 We were able to beat the heat thankfully, as half of us cleared a field while the other half weeded the greenhouses and planted some new vegetables like bell peppers! Knowing that this farm will directly benefit a women’s shelter ministry keeps us motivated even as we dodge snails, repair stubborn rakes, and dream of our beds. Heading back to the apartment after was glorious, and we may never take a shower for granted again. 

      Next up was buffet-style lunch at one of our favorite local cafes (I ate a savory crepe and tomato-feta salad, yum) and then we headed to visit the gift shop in our church next door. The next hour or two were free for us to explore, and we made sure to investigate snacks at the grocery store, clothing boutiques, and obviously the local gelato stand as we experienced more of the lovely town.

     Finally, we loaded back into the van to roll to the second camp location, mildly torturing each other with riddles and camp games and singing as we enjoyed the countryside. Honestly, we were nervous to start over, but we are also excited to see who God has put in our path. And, thankfully, He’s keeping us busy with another welcoming and wild group of kiddos and teens to spend time with.

     After our evening drive home, the ladies were blessed with a subsequent challenge of our door lock being jammed, which was solved relatively quickly but I am including for the comedic value of our frustrations (check the selfie).

     All in all, we have been more than blessed so far by the hospitality and beauty of the culture here. Every day is full of people and places that grow us and show us new ways God is moving as we learn to better study and live out the Gospel and love the people around us. Plus, we’re inching closer and closer to having the alphabet here memorized, and can at least hold a conversation in the local language. We are beyond grateful for each other (even on the long days), for the field workers and translators that partner with us, and for the prayers and support of the people we love. And, we are slowly getting better at European futbol. Love you x2 family!

Update #6 Central Europe

By | 2023 Teams, Central Europe

Hey everyone! The last two days have been extremely eventful and packed full of adventures, ministry, and more! 

We started Thursday off by sleeping in till around 8:30 am and began planning our last and final day of VBS in a small nearby town around 9:30 am. After all of the preparation of skits, crafts, and games, we headed out to a quick lunch at a local restaurant where we tried several new desserts that are common favorites here.

After finishing our lunch and tasty desserts we headed out to an old monastery way up in the mountains. This ornate monastery was absolutely gorgeous and we were all left in awe. When entering the church we all gazed up at the artwork that covered the walls and ceiling which depicted many different Bible stories. We later learned from one of our fearless leaders, Farnum, that this artwork was there because back when the Church was made many people could not read, but they could learn the Bible stories by observing the art. 

Leaving the Monastery we headed to our last night of VBS in our first location. It went so well and many of us received gifts and paintings from the kids who we have spent the last three days with. Before we left we gifted the pastor with many new soccer balls, volley balls, and basketballs and he told us that many of the children in that town had been praying for new balls and that our gifts were an answer to prayer. 

Once the VBS came to an end we all reluctantly piled into our van with some tears shed and sad hearts, but at the same time we felt encouraged and ready to see what God had for us at our next location. 

During our drive home we reflected on the VBS, the relationships we had built, and the fact that there is a strong possibility that some of those kids are going to play soccer in the pro leagues some day. We were all sad, but we knew that God had moved during our time there. 

We can’t wait to see what God is going to do with the rest of our time here! 

– Isaac

Update #10 Team East Africa is coming home!

By | 2023 Teams, East Africa

We are leaving East Africa!!! What a surreal moment for all of us. It feels like just a few days ago that we were leaving Sacramento.

We all woke up between the hours of 4-5am, and left the hotel around 5:35. We made it through security, but had some interesting complications with our suitcases and carry-ons. But in the end, everything worked out just not in the way we expected. But that has been our first complication so far on this trip so we are grateful that it was minor. (Caribbean team now we know just a LITTLE bit of what you have gone through😂

We had our last meal at Courage Cafe last night and were very grateful for our fieldworkers, and their family, for their generosity and kindness during this trip. It wouldn’t have been able to be such a fantastic trip without them.

We are currently waiting in the airport for our first of three flights home. We all are extremely tired and sad to leave, but ready to go home.

Our fieldworker, J, said a few words to us and about us to the Courage girls when we were saying goodbye. He said, “it’s time for them to go back to their other life in America.” And something about “other life” makes leaving much more easier. Because all of us will forever have a life and relationship here in East Africa. Sounds cheesy, but it’s very true.

I can speak on behalf of all my teammates when I say thank you to our friends and family for their support and prayers, and to Jessup and Global Outreach for making this trip even possible in the first place. We are excited to see you all! 💛


Team Southeast Asia is departing!

By | 2023 Teams, Southeast Asia

Our fifth and final Global Outreach team of the summer is off to the airport to start their two weeks in Southeast Asia! Please join us in praying for their safety as they travel, and for their health (spiritual, mental, and physical). Pray for the Lord to bless this time as they serve in unity and for them to draw closer to God as they shine his light in every interaction they have.

We will update again once they have arrived safely to their hotel in Southeast Asia!

They made it to the airport! 🙂

Update #4 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

Day 3 

After arriving here at the SI base at 5:00 am and exploring our cabins, we got used to the customs of not using the faucet water to brush our teeth and not flushing paper down the toilet. Just as the others on the base were waking up, we were falling asleep. At 8:42 am, Cheyanne woke up and read the pamphlet book about DR history, but soon fell back asleep. The ladies woke up between 11am and noon. After getting dressed, they went and woke up Mark and Spencer at 1pm. While the guys were getting ready, the ladies visited the chapel and practiced a few worship songs. 

About 45 minutes later, the team met up in the cafeteria, explored the base store, and had a very late lunch consisting of ham sandwiches, chips, peanut butter, and guava and pineapple jelly. Harpreet was halfway done making her sandwich when she noticed a strange green tint to the gluten free bread we had packed. Upon investigation, she found that one of the two loaves we had packed had been decimated by mold and the Miami heat. Meanwhile, Mark downed three cups of coffee.

After we finished eating, another team arrived and we had basic and kitchen orientation. Around 4 o’clock, we had camp orientation and met the rest of the SI staff, Mark and Alyssa had a team leaders meeting, Spencer explored, Harpreet took a nap, and Cheyanne, Sofiya, and Jordynn laid on their beds and rested. Around 5:30, we started to hear thunder. And as we walked to the cafeteria for dinner around 6pm, the thunderstorm became more prominent.

At dinner, we had La Bandera, a popular dish here that consists of rice, chicken, beans, and salad. After dinner, we headed to the porch outside the ladies cabin, where Jordynn and Sofiya danced in the rain and thunderstorm and Mark danced to DR rap music. 

Around 7pm, we went into the chapel to learn more about the country and the main dances: the Merengue and Bachata. As we started to get a better grasp of these two dances, there were two competitions: one for the Merengue in which Spencer and Cheyanne competed and got 2nd place, and one for the Bachata where Alyssa and Jordynn competed and won first place. 

-Caribbean team

P.S.: we are taking orders for the supposed TSA-approved machetes that SI is selling in their base store.