
East Africa

Update #1 Safe & Settled in East Africa

By | 2023 Teams, East Africa

After about 33 hours of travel, our East Africa team has landed and made it to their hotel and ministry base! Though a little tired, the team is doing great!

Please continue to pray for their overall well-being while on the trip and for God to reveal himself in new ways to the team as they serve in a new cultural context.

We will update again soon once the team has had time to rest and get started on ministry!

Team East Africa is departing!

By | 2023 Teams, East Africa

Jessup’s second Global Outreach team of the summer is now on their way to East Africa! Join us in praying for them during their long travel day(s)—for safety and health throughout all of the travel and the trip, and that the Lord would use them in incredible ways these next two weeks. 

We will update again when the team arrives and gets settled in East Africa!