

Team Caribbean is back home!

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

The Caribbean team landed safely in Sacramento around 2am Sunday morning after one more slight flight delay! We are thankful that they are back home safe, healthy, and with full hearts reflecting on their experience in the Caribbean.

Thank you for your prayers for this team as they began the trip with some crazy flight delays and jumped right into ministry, willing to be used by God in new and surprising ways! Please continue to pray for them and ask how you can support them as they navigate reverse culture shock and discern what the Lord has next for them.

Make sure to reach out and ask them about their trip, listen to their experiences, and find out how you can pray for them individually now that they are home! We thank you all!

Update #8 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

Last Update in the Caribbean

On Thursday, after dinner our team took a walk in the neighborhood behind the SI base. It took us a while to find the key to the gate. Turned out it was literally a key labeled “back gate key”. Next, we had to find the gate which took us through a mini garden giving us major “Secret Garden” vibes.

The walk was very pretty but most of it was steep hills. There were different villas throughout the walk. At one point, we stopped because we were couldn’t walk anymore. We were about to turn back, but Spencer ran ahead and came back saying that it was a really cool view of the mountains just over the hill. We made our way with three huge dogs pacing us behind a barbed fence. They looked like they totally could’ve jumped the fence.

The view really was breathtaking. The sunset was gorgeous and there were also cows grazing just behind the fence.

During the rest of the team time, we talked and had the opportunity to paint a brick in the chapel. SI base has a chapel with brick walls and every team that comes can paint something on a brick as a memory. We painted a croc with different memory jibbits from our trip.

On Friday, Jordynn’s team went to get their nails done, Harpreet and Cheyanne’s team went out to eat, Spencer, Sofiya and Mark went to their regular site to hang out with the kids, and Alyssa edited the trip video at the base and then went to the river with her team.

After everyone was back, we got our phones back and Sofiya and Alyssa could finally post a BeReal!

We got ready for our last dinner which was a banquet dinner. We had chicken Alfredo, rice and pork chops. We had all of our site leaders and their families also join us for the night.

After dinner, we had presentation night, where we worshipped, shared our experiences and the media team shared a very beautiful spoken word and photo presentation as well as the outreach video. SI pastor shared a message and prayed over us as we headed home.

At the end, we had cake, coffee and our site leaders gave us cards with our team photos and a letter for each of us. It was really sweet.

At 10:30, we headed to our cabins and started packing for our 4 am departure. Most of us decided we weren’t going to sleep but we were all out by 1 am and were able to take a short nap.

At just before 4 am, we threw our suitcases into the bus (literally through a window) and headed for the airport, hearts full with joy over our experience in the Caribbean.

Update #7 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

Update – Monday-Wednesday

After an eventful weekend, each of us went back to our ministry sites.


At Education, on Monday, we had a very chill day and just planned for the week ahead. This week, Mark, Spencer and Sofiya are leading all the activities. On Tuesday, we taught the kids a lesson about Jacob wrestling with God. We arm wrestled each other and played games inside because it was raining. On Wednesday, we had a slip-n’-slide and water balloons. The kids were very excited to be splashed and we had to refill several 5 gallon water jugs for them. We did not get on the slip-n-slide because we were filling water balloons, but the kids got all of us wet. Mark had to chuck his phone across the yard so it doesn’t get wet. When it was time for water balloons, the kids had to answer a Bible question correctly to get a balloon popped over their head. They got very disappointed whenever they did not answer the questions correctly and had to get in the back of the line. After water balloons, the kids split up into two teams and played tug-a-war but the catch was that the rope was soapy. Mark and Spencer joined the teams and Mark’s team won twice. But no thanks to him. He said he didn’t even pull on the rope.

At Medical, Monday, July 3: Harpreet and Cheyanne went to the hospital clinic in which they saw about 10 patients. On the first patient, Harpreet got to feel the head of a baby in the womb at 33 weeks. Additionally, they both used the ultrasound to see the heart of the baby, hear the child’s heartbeat, and saw a pap smear. Cheyanne assisted in birth control implant removal.  During the afternoon, after having lunch in the plaza, we had a home visit to a mother in the community and two-year-old’s house who was super sweet and gave us candy and repetitively said “please don’t leave, I don’t want you guys to leave.”

Tuesday, July 4: In the morning, we visited a student international clinic in the mountains where we saw patient’s from the village community in the mountains. Harpreet and Cheyanne did check in and blood pressure and heart rate. We also had lunch there made by the owner’s wife who made extremely delicious food – plantains, beef stew, rice, and salad. During the afternoon, we toured the local hospital and clinics. 

Wednesday, July 5: Today we visited the second student international clinic in the community at Dr. G’s church, where we saw a few patients due to the immigration control officers being out in the community. Cheyanne and Harpreet got to distribute medications to the patients today. After lunch, they visited the local hospital clinic and saw a patient in which we removed another birth control implant. After clinic, we went shopping in the market to buy Sofiya souvenirs.

For the media site, Alyssa visited 7 different sites in the span of 3 days to get as much video and picture content they could for the end-of-the-week video presentation. 

 • Baseball where she got to watch the kids play a Baseball game!

 • Special Education

 • Mata Gorda Education Site where she tried a chicken foot and met the cutest little girl named Brini

 • Assisted Technology where she met the cutest little bunny ever

 • El Callejon Education Site where Mark and Sofiya played charades with the kids

 • Volleyball 

 • Medical site where their lead physician led worship before checking in patients and Cheyanne gave a devotional.

On Tuesday she started editing her recap montage that she’s going to present to everyone Friday and it looks so cool! She is having a BLAST with media 🙂 

At Volleyball, we were very hands on. I wasn’t really sure what to expect for the site, but we really just got to play volleyball with different kids ranging from 7 to 19. Depending on the practice we would be assigned different tasks. With the girls varsity we practiced with them and it was like we were just a part of the team. On our second to last site day, we got to coach the Jv girls and I made them do some conditioning with wall sits. It was a mix of a setting drill and conditioning.

The boys team was always trash talking us girls. Don’t worry we talked to our site leader to learn our own DR slang to throw at them. In the youngest girls, there is a 7-year-old girl, N, who is so spirited and just a big ball of mischief and wonder. She would have us all high five her and then she would charge us and try to tickle us. She did this every day for two weeks straight. Despite that, she was always so dedicated and always wanted to learn, even if it was on her own time. I completely adore all of the tiny gremlins I have served. Over this mission, I haven’t been too sure of why God sent me here in all honesty. After loads of prayers, worshipping and simply spending time with the community, I realized that just being here is enough and having the opportunity to teach these kids and spread the word of God to them is like nothing else. It is so cool that even with a huge language barrier, with volleyball and the Lord, we don’t need words. God simply shines despite that. We also got DR ice cream today, which was more like a popsicle, but I will always accept an excuse for sweets. (Jordynn)


On Monday after dinner we had a poverty simulation game. Everyone was split up into teams which represented families. Each family was given different amounts of money and had to make ends meet here in the Caribbean on different incomes. Women worked in cleaning, men in agriculture or construction, and children in shoe shine or for an extra fee went to school. Before each round ended, each family member had to eat and drink, families had to pay rent and draw a life happens card which could be good or bad. There was also a CDC where families could get benefits. Alyssa and Harpreet’s families ended up losing their house because they could not pay rent. Cheyanne and Spencer were in a family together and did pretty well. Mark let his youngest kid die because they could not afford food. Jordynn’s family did illegal stuff to survive. Sofiya’s family stole money from Mark’s family so one of their kids could eat. Technically they could’ve paid it back later because they ended up doing not all too terrible, but they forgot. It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot and would like to keep helping our sites here so they can minister to the community here.

On Tuesday, we had a 4th of July party! We had hot dogs for dinner and then went outside to play volleyball and corn hole. There was music playing and Mark was the DJ. A fan favorite. There was a very pretty sunset which we got to see from the lookout tower. We came back down and Cheyanne and Jordynn were dancing to “Firework” when two little girls ran over to them and took their hands to dance together. It was very cute. After sunset, we had sparklers and glow sticks and a bit later we had a private firework show just for us. We partied it up to everyone’s favorite music and finished the night on a very good note with “I Thank God”.

On Wednesday, we had a worship night where everyone could spend their own time with God. There were candles lit and worship music playing. We were reading our Bible, journaling, painting. Everyone was praying for each other and singing along to the worship music. In the end, everyone got in a circle and worshipped and we again ended the night with “I Thank God” which has become kind of like a theme song for us. It was such a blessed time with the Lord and we all were spiritually filled for the last couple days of the trip and as we had back home.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Please pray for us as we wrap up our time in the Caribbean and especially for there to be no delays getting back to Sacramento in the next couple days.

Update #6 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

# The Weekend Update

### Saturday, July 1

Today started off with us being able to sleep in until breakfast at 8am. Mark, being the coffee addict, went running towards the dining hall right on time for breakfast. When Cheyanne and Harpreet arrived around 8:10, the rest of the team was still in their beds. One of the summer interns ordered Cheyanne to bring the rest of the team to breakfast as they needed us to eat something because of how long our day was going to be; however, they had limited food that our team could eat. Mark, being the college professor, said “college students don’t eat breakfast for 4 years.” 

After breakfast, we loaded into a couple open-top buses to go river rafting. Upon reaching the river rafting place, we put on life jackets and helmets and made our way down towards the river. The team had to split up into two groups: Harpreet, Spencer, Alyssa, and Jordynn were on one raft, while Mark, Cheyanne, Sofiya, and another high school student were on another. Before being launched into the water, we had practice on paddling forwards and backwards, leaning in, and getting in. After practicing a few times, we were launched into the water. As we made our way through the “tutorial” part of the river and to the waiting area in the water, we will now give you an acronym form Mark’s encounter on the river:

M- My river guide didn’t give me guidelines

A- Active tourism comes with it’s cost regardless of waivers

R- Rock. As in half way through rafting my head completely rammed into a rock

K- Knowing I might have a mild to moderate concussion, I continued rafting for the next hour and a half

Shortly after Mark hit his head on a rock, Cheyanne (who was in the same raft) was flung out into the river when another raft collided with theirs. Thankfully, Mark and the raft guide quickly reached out and were able to pull her back into the raft before the next set of rapids. Sofiya had a hard time with these crazy events happening on her raft, but was able to make it through the river having fun. Meanwhile, Harpreet, Spencer, Alyssa, and Jordynn were breezing through the river while having a great time enjoying nature and brainstorming annual reunion travel plans.

Everyone made it to the end of the river rafting (relatively) safely and we headed back on the buses to the SI base for lunch and some downtime.

Later that afternoon, our team was broken up into smaller groups to go on a shopping expedition in town. We took the buses into town and spent several hours visiting several gift shops, a supermarket, coffee and smoothie shops. Towards the end of the day, we all regrouped at a churro and ice cream plaza. 

After returning to the base, we had dinner and headed up to the base’s outlook point to enjoy the view and chat.

To end the evening, we played a game called “couch”, which is just like musical chairs, except you replace the chairs with a couch and the music with a memory game.

After the game, we headed to bed after a long, exhausting day. 

# Sunday July 2

On Sunday we were up and ready for breakfast at 8am, as we were scheduled to leave for church shortly after. However, as is a slight theme with our trip, due to some issues SI delayed our departure for church for an hour and we ended up going to a different one than planned.

Despite this, our church visit was quite nice. The sermon was completely in Spanish and they didn’t have a translator that week, but Alyssa stepped up and was able to fill the role and translate the sermon to English for us and another group visiting from the US.

After church, we returned to the base for lunch and some downtime before heading to the Jarabacoa Country Club (which was about 15 minutes away from the base camp) around 2 pm. Upon arriving to the country club, Mark, Harpreet, Alyssa, Spencer, and Jordynn headed to the bar to get (virgin) piña coladas and food, meanwhile Cheyanne and Sofiya headed into the pool. After ordering food, Harpreet went on an adventure in the woods to check out the river, while the rest of the team ate fries and pizza and enjoyed their drinks. 

After a while, Mark headed into the pool, while Alyssa, Sofiya, and Harpreet went and played in the river. After coming back, the team played UNO and Monopoly until around 5 pm, when Spencer, Mark, and Harpreet headed to the pool table to play pool. At 5:30 pm, dinner was served. For dinner, we had rice, chicken, potato salad, and bread with coke and grape soda. We had various conversations while eating, but a couple highlights were titanic sinking and possibly getting Mark to shave his head and beard for $50,000 to fundraise for future trips. 

After dinner, we headed back to the base, where we had about 4 hours before lights out at 10 pm. We practiced for worship as we are leading worship tomorrow (Monday) morning. After worship practice, we headed to the porch to do team face masks (this is a Mark Moore team leader tradition). After face masks, we hung out and then headed to bed.


1. Team bonding 

2. Leaning into the Lord and hearing from Him during this trip

Update #5 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

Thursday and Friday were our scheduled days in which we woke up for quiet time and chapel in the morning. After breakfast, we got ready to head out to our respective sites.

Education Site – Mark, Sofiya, and Spencer

We arrived at the site to excited kids opening the door for us. They high fived all of us and one of them even gave us a hug. There were 7 or 8 boys and 1 girl on Thursday. On Friday, we were joined by 2 more girls and 1 more boy.

The kids are on summer break from school so we don’t actually have lessons. This was just a way for the children to have something to do and hang out together. We read a Bible lesson with them and sang some songs first. On Thursday, we played “Pin a Tail on the Donkey”. The kids were so excited to have us, they screamed for Spencer to go first. They were calling out directions toward the donkey picture so we learned some Spanish direction words. On Friday, we watched a soccer movie, but kids got bored pretty quick. One of the girls tried braiding Sofiya’s hair and Mark taught one of the boys how to play guitar and played a secular DR rap song that he shouldn’t have played. Spencer played tag with the rest of the kids. 

We turned off the movie and instead played DR (Spicy) UNO and Dominos with the girls.

The boys picked up a ball and went outside to play kickball. They would always kick it outside the fence and then jump the fence to go get it. Some even climbed up on the roof to get the ball.

The kids got picked up right before lunch and after lunch, one of the summer interns did English lessons for high school and college students. On Thursday, we learned about animals. The lesson went both ways: they learned English and we learned Spanish. On Friday, we didn’t have English lessons so we cleaned, painted tables and played board games with the teacher assistant.

Volleyball Site- Jordynn

We had two bases. One base was at our home base and the other was at a gym like structure. My team got to meet so many different kids ranging from 7 to 19  girls and boys. My site is all about giving the kids in this town a community and family so they stay out of trouble in the streets. We literally played volleyball with their different teams for six hours straight. Before every individual practice someone shares a devotional and we pray so that God can be connected in the passion we share of volleyball. We all come from such different backgrounds and the language barrier was very difficult when learning drills for the first time, but it didn’t stop the laughter and joy that we all shared together or the cheers when we had a good play. 

During dinner in the community we went to one of the JV members houses and played DR Uno. It was so hectic and fun. We also shared slang from both sides of our homes to practice the language.

On Friday we shared our testimonies with the coaches and our site teams. We went to a place where two rivers meet and where cows and horses roamed freely. This whole trip I have been so scared because I didn’t understand what God’s purpose for me here was. When it became my turn I felt that God was telling me that it was finally my time to share my true testimony and it was then that I felt so much support and love. 

This entire trip so far has been nothing but joy and community. It is truly a blessing. 

Media Site – Alyssa

On Thursday it was Alyssa’s 22nd birthday and she spent her day doing what she loves; taking photos and videos that tell beautiful stories! 

The media department is cool because they get to visit all the different sites, taking pictures that showcase the Gospel message. When taking pictures they think about 4 different components; creation, the fall, redemption and restoration.

At the women’s site, she taught a little girl how to use her camera and the little girl went around and vlogged everything, it was ADORABLE! On her visit to the school where Sofiya, Mark and Spencer were, she almost got knocked out with the kickball TWICE.

At the Physical Therapy Site, she tried the best sweet coffee she’s ever tasted – she loves sugary coffee and so she absolutely LOVED it. 

She ended the day with the “Happy Birthday” song being sung by the team and a cinnamon roll from town that was gifted to her! 

She’s been having so much fun at media site and can’t wait for the final banquet where she gets to showcase her photos and videos to the rest of the base 🙂  

Medical Site – Harpreet and Cheyanne

On Thursday, day 4, Cheyanne and Harpreet went to one of the free clinics in the morning during which they saw ultrasounds and a birth control implant. Cheyanne got to do an ultrasound on a pregnant patient. In the afternoon, we visited a leader’s house who was paralyzed from the waist down. During both of these visits Harpreet was mistaken for being a local and even got hit on by a patient during the morning clinic. 

On Friday, day 5, we visited a medical hospital and saw patients there. Cheyenne assisted in a birth control implant. After morning clinic, we went to the plaza and had lunch, ran into the SI CEO and his team at the plaza. In addition to hearing K’s (the nurse) and Dr. G’s (OB-GYN physician) testimonies. After lunch as we headed to our Mamas and Babies home visit, it was pouring down rain while we commuted with the family and neighbors over homemade coconut pastries and soda. At said visit Harpreet held the sweet 11 month old baby, while K educated the mama on her second pregnancy.

For dinner on Thursday, we went to different host families’ homes. We got to meet families who live here and got to know them. We ate, talked, and played games, and it was a lot of fun. On Friday, we had game night. Alyssa won the first game and Cheyanne won the second one.

Prayer Requests:

 1. Homesickness

 2. One of our site leader’s son is sick so please pray for a quick recovery

-Caribbean team

Update #4 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

Day 3 

After arriving here at the SI base at 5:00 am and exploring our cabins, we got used to the customs of not using the faucet water to brush our teeth and not flushing paper down the toilet. Just as the others on the base were waking up, we were falling asleep. At 8:42 am, Cheyanne woke up and read the pamphlet book about DR history, but soon fell back asleep. The ladies woke up between 11am and noon. After getting dressed, they went and woke up Mark and Spencer at 1pm. While the guys were getting ready, the ladies visited the chapel and practiced a few worship songs. 

About 45 minutes later, the team met up in the cafeteria, explored the base store, and had a very late lunch consisting of ham sandwiches, chips, peanut butter, and guava and pineapple jelly. Harpreet was halfway done making her sandwich when she noticed a strange green tint to the gluten free bread we had packed. Upon investigation, she found that one of the two loaves we had packed had been decimated by mold and the Miami heat. Meanwhile, Mark downed three cups of coffee.

After we finished eating, another team arrived and we had basic and kitchen orientation. Around 4 o’clock, we had camp orientation and met the rest of the SI staff, Mark and Alyssa had a team leaders meeting, Spencer explored, Harpreet took a nap, and Cheyanne, Sofiya, and Jordynn laid on their beds and rested. Around 5:30, we started to hear thunder. And as we walked to the cafeteria for dinner around 6pm, the thunderstorm became more prominent.

At dinner, we had La Bandera, a popular dish here that consists of rice, chicken, beans, and salad. After dinner, we headed to the porch outside the ladies cabin, where Jordynn and Sofiya danced in the rain and thunderstorm and Mark danced to DR rap music. 

Around 7pm, we went into the chapel to learn more about the country and the main dances: the Merengue and Bachata. As we started to get a better grasp of these two dances, there were two competitions: one for the Merengue in which Spencer and Cheyanne competed and got 2nd place, and one for the Bachata where Alyssa and Jordynn competed and won first place. 

-Caribbean team

P.S.: we are taking orders for the supposed TSA-approved machetes that SI is selling in their base store.

Update #3 Caribbean team FINALLY arrived! Safe & Settled!

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

Day 2 into Day 3 Updates – Continued with Travels

At the hotel we ordered two more Lyfts to drive us to the train station but slightly struggled to get all our luggage into both cars- one being a sedan and the other a SUV. As we made our way over to the train station, our Lyft driver noticed we were at the wrong address for the train station so we needed to find the new address and get to the correct location. We finally arrived to the right location and took two escalators to get to the train. 

We arrived in the train about 30 minutes before it left and had a smooth train ride to the bus shuttle for the airport.

Around approximately 8:29 pm, as we grab our luggage from the train and walk over to the bus shuttle, we almost get ran over by the train.  Are you familiar with the song grandma got ran over by a reindeer…well replace that with Caribbean team almost got ran over by a train! #TeamBonding

Our boarding was suppose to happen at 11:00 pm, but we didn’t board until 11:40 pm except for Mark as he had priority boarding due to the carry-on bag. As we boarded the plan, we walk in to a very misty and light jazz music. We got to the takeoff runway, and thought we were about to take off around midnight. 


We didn’t. Instead we went back to the gate! Apparently, the number of people on the plane and number of people on the passenger log didn’t add up. The flight crew was calling passenger names and mentioned Spencer and Sofiya but thankfully it was other people and not us.

At this point, we are just laughing and are like “of course this would happen.”  Right now, our team really echos Job as his faith, patience, and commitment to the Lord was tested by Satan. But, we aren’t going to break or let our spirits be disheartened, we are trusting in the Lord and embracing the unknown and unexpected. 

Day 3 (June 28, 2023) Update: 

At 1:40 AM, we finally were able to takeoff from Fort Lauderdale.

At 3:30 AM, we arrived to our destination in the Caribbean. After checking in with customs, grabbing our bags, we headed out to meet up with C, and J C (the student international representatives) who took us to our site. 

After a total travel of 55.5 hours of travel, losing luggage, delayed flights, 11 hour layover, and various other hurdles, the Caribbean Team has arrived to the their destination at 5:00 AM today! 

Despite all of the bumps in the road and trials we have face, we are sticking together and are so excited to have finally reached the to serve the Lord through His people!

Update #2 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

We got into Miami at 8:20 pm and our flight was long gone. We stood in line for rebooking for about 30 minutes and then decided there’s no point. There were about 150 people in line.

Mark and Spencer went ahead to Baggage Claim while the girls got food. As the the guys waited for our luggage, the girls headed out to the hotel. They took the wrong shuttle and ended up in the wrong hotel, so they had to go back to the airport once again. The shuttle was not coming in until Alyssa call the hotel and told them we were waiting.

Mark and Spencer waited for our luggage for 5 hours. At 1, they gave up and went to the hotel to sleep. Cheyanne and Harpreet took two showers after the long airport day. Alyssa, Jordynn and Sofiya door dashed granny pajamas (that’s all they had at CVS) at 12:30 am. Shoutout to Joel the doordasher for choosing them. We also washed our socks in the sink. They’re still not dry.

We have never had such amazing sleep. Our wonderful leader Mark got our check out time pushed back to 1 pm so we could sleep in.

At 9 am, Mark went back to the airport and FINALLY got our luggage back all safe and sound.


This is Cheyanne’s suitcase. Shoutout to Global Outreach for buying her a new one.

We got ready and just after 1 pm ordered a Lyft to go to South Beach, Miami. One of the Lyfts ditched us so we had to order a new one. The new driver was cool and gave us insight into all the Miami Beaches. Let’s just say they’re not all Jessup appropriate. 1 Corinthians 15:33.

We had brunch at a Cuban cafe. Mark encouraged us to try new things and Jordynn almost threw up trying a corn on a cob. We aren’t kidding.

We then went to the beach and seriously contemplated going swimming in our clothes because it was so hot and the water so nice. We ended up not doing it BUT Alyssa dipped her head in and said she does not recommend.

We started making our way to the Lincoln Shopping Center. We were also on a hunt for ice cream. Little did we know that an instagram dating show was on the hunt for contestants. Cheyanne became the victim but at least they gave her free ice cream after the interview. FYI, she’s not against long distance and her red flags are unemployed men.

We found a souvenir shop and bought some new clothes to change into because we were all overheating. It was 88 degrees F but it felt like 99 with 73% humidity.

We found a 7/11 and bought double XL slurpees for everyone. 

At the Lincoln Shopping Center, we bought some stuff that we forgot back in Sac and then ordered a Lyft back to the hotel to get our stuff.

Big thanks to Kayla for figuring all the flight information for us! We couldn’t do it without you!!

– Caribbean Team

Update #1 Caribbean

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

UPDATE 6/26 9pm PDT: The team made it to Miami after a very delayed flight, but sadly their connecting flight was long gone to the Caribbean! The plan was to fly out on a different flight from a nearby airport tonight, but they weren’t able to make it out in time to catch it. They have a hotel in Miami tonight to get some good rest and will fly out late tomorrow night (6/27) for the Caribbean! Pray that they would all have renewed energy tomorrow and that their last flight would be smooth, safe and on-time! 🙂

6/26 12:30pm PDT- Sending hello to everyone from Charlotte, North Carolina…because we’ll be here awhile.

We knew there was going to be spiritual warfare on this trip but what we didn’t know is that it would break into the physical realm.

It all started with our overnight flight from Sacramento to Charlotte. We did have a very cute puppy Winston on our flight. We bet on who would get to sit next to him, and it turned out to be Spencer. However, he is allergic so he let Mark take his spot and Mark was so excited!

Meanwhile, the dog kept Jordynn and Sofiya up for half the night.

We arrived at Charlotte at 6:30 am and were going to be here for 8 hours.


We passed the time by playing Monopoly Deal, posting BeReals (we definitely did not retake them and Alyssa was totally on time), snacking, napping and walking around. We also had a really cool piano player who played cool songs including The Office theme song. He played for 5 hours straight (not the same song).

On our way to Shake Shack, Cheyenne got the divine inspiration to stop and check our flight.

Turns out our flight was now coming in at 5:55 instead of 2:30. We are now missing our connection flight to the Caribbean. Our luggage might already be there but who knows? Six of them might still be in Sacramento according to American Airlines.

This is us informing our families about our situation.

There are also thunderstorms coming in soon, so pray for us. Please and thank you.

Good thing we have Mark Moore as a team leader on this trip and he is taking very good care of us. All of our team members said Amen.

To wrap this up, while we might all be running off two hours of sleep, we are #thrivingandsurviving and we believe this happened for a reason and God is keeping us safe.


Caribbean Team

Team Caribbean is departing!

By | 2023 Teams, Caribbean

The fourth Global Outreach team this summer is now on their way to the Caribbean with a long travel day ahead of them! Please join us in praying for them– for health and safety during the next two weeks, for renewed energy as they serve long days and for strong unity between all the team members. We’re excited to see how God will move in and through them as they serve in this ministry!

We will update again once they are settled at their ministry base.