
Central America

Team Central America is back home!

By | 2022 Teams, Central America

Team Central America landed safely in California on Saturday afternoon! Thank you to everyone who has prayed for this team throughout their trip. God is good and it is clear he was working in and through the team on this trip.

Please continue to be praying for the Central America team as they re-enter the US and experience reverse culture shock. Pray that they would be encouraged by their time in Central America and that God would continue to work in and through them as they adjust to their lives in the states again.

Make sure to ask your team member about their experience and how you can be praying for them and supporting them specifically! We thank you all!

Update #7 Central America

By | 2022 Teams, Central America

Hi family and friends! I have been working in the Microfinance Site and it has been amazing! In a quick summary, the site is focused on women in the communities who are starting businesses or already have one. We teach financial classes about budgeting, savings, and how to manage their money so they can have a successful business; while also focusing on their spiritual journey and sharing the Gospel.

I came to Central America with a big passion and desire to evangelize and share the Gospel with the women in the communities. God has given me the opportunity to make a couple of devotionals, teach the Bible, and share the Gospel in our meetings! We have also been doing a lot of house visits and getting to know the women better because relationship is everything here. 

 Last Friday we had a Microfinance fair where about 8 of the women and a man brought their businesses to the base. Our team was able to support their businesses by buying their amazing product! They are so talented and hand make all kinds of jewelry, beautiful clothings items, pottery, shoes, cafe, and more! 

The women here are so loving, sweet, inclusive, and full of energy! I spent my last summer in this same country as an intern and in the same site so it has been absolutely amazing to see all the women I had built relationships with again!! They fill me with so much joy and this trip has motivated me to learn Spanish again because I want to grow the relationships that I have and go deeper with them.


Today marks day 9 of our time in Nicaragua. Today at the medical site, our day was started off at our clinic, at which we had our daily fix of coffee and enjoyed some time of fellowship. We had lunch and then were set for clinic at a second location. At the second location we had around 20 patient consults, for which each of us interns helped take vitals, fill and provide medication prescriptions, take glucose and provide injections. I (Hazel) was able to do a few intramuscular vitamin and pain injections for patients today, which was quite an awesome experience. 

In the evening teams were sent out to different local community members’ homes for dinner. The medical site members went to one of our medical staffs prior patients house for dinner. She gave us a delicious meal consisting of gallo pinto (rice & beans) which is a Central American staple, chicken, string beans & more. We got to hear her story including some difficult trials, how she met Christ & her heart for ministry. 


Update #6 Central America

By | 2022 Teams, Central America

This past Saturday was our excursion day. We began Saturday by heading over to the Laguna about 45 minutes away, to spend the morning enjoying the Laguna’s warm water and breathtaking views. Me, Hector, and the long-term interns started the day with kayaking and paddle boarding around the beautiful Laguna. After an hour of exploring we joined the rest of the team who were learning how to do backflips off a floating platform. By the end of the day, almost everyone learned how to do a backflip into the water. After more fun in the water, the team traveled to the local market to buy some souvenirs. At the market we saw all sorts of handmade souvenirs, paintings, and shoes. I decided to buy multiple hand painted gifts for my family. Today showcased the the beauty in Central America with Laguna and the creativity of the peoples art work at the market.


Update #5 Central America

By | 2022 Teams, Central America

I’m definitely not a morning person but somehow I’ve been able to wake up in time for our team’s 6:40am morning devotional. Praise God for that! 

At our trade school site, Will and I got to help transport and piece together bed frames at the base. Every time I thought the truck was full, the locals proved me wrong. All the students at the trade school are very welcoming. I’m very surprised about much Spanish I know, but I’m not mad about it. I think my favorite part about today’s project was riding in the back of the pick up truck and getting to hear Holman, our agriculture site leader, share his testimony. 

After work, we went to the micro finance fair to support the women who are starting their own businesses. It was really fun trying to compete with my friends for some really cool items. Following the fair, we drove to a park to play volleyball. My team and I played really well while Jerome went to bed without a win. However, in the last game, the ball hit me in the face twice so I saw that as God humbling me. 

When we got back to hotel, we ended the night with a late night pool swim and recapped our day together as a team. It was a really good day.


Update #4 Central America

By | 2022 Teams, Central America

Hello Families,

Today is the end of day 3 in Central America. Today was another awesome day of assisting local leaders. Today at the sports camp Jerome and I (Peter) started the day off at a new school and led their PE program. We took 4th graders to play soccer at a park 20 minutes away, running a couple drills and playing soccer games with all the kids. We then returned and worked with 3rd graders. We played various games including monkey in the middle and three flags up to share some American games. Once we concluded, we returned to the school. I started to attempt to talk to the kids with the little Spanish I had when one kid walked up to me and asked me to autograph her hand. Of course I said, “Sí”. Then, simultaneously, all the kids began to swarm me for an autograph, and proceeded to swarm Jerome for his signature. It was just a heartwarming experience for them to show us how much we mean to them. Also, during lunch, God answered my prayer for a PB&J that I was craving. We then transitioned to play baseball with the kids from the two schools and we began to teach English to the kids. After two hours of baseball, we played soccer for an additional two hours. After playing and building relationships with the kids we shared a devotional of David and Goliath. Lastly, we returned to base to listen to the testimonies of some of the site leaders. 


Update #3 |Central America

By | 2022 Teams, Central America

Hello Family,

It’s the end of day 2 here in Central America serving alongside amazing people. This morning we all woke up bright and early and enjoyed worship and a devotional time led by Hazel, Cassidy, and a wonderful intern we’ll call C. After eating breakfast and taking in the breathtaking views of the Laguna and nearby Volcano we all headed out to our work site for the first time in the community. 

  • Hector and Will worked on their handyman skills at the trade school. 
  • Jerome and Peter taught PE and played soccer with kids at a local elementary school.
  • Jill and Jessica got a haircut today at the social work site as they ministered to young women.
  • Hailey and Sandia taught children how to speak English at the education site
  • Roosmarie and Hazel helped minister to locals at the health clinic.
  • And Cassidy, helped women start small businesses at the micro-finance site.

Today was truly an eye-opening experience for all of us and I can say that we all feel like the Lord is moving through us and around us. 

Next update coming soon!

Team Central America is departing!

By | 2022 Teams, Central America

Praise God! The team has made it safely to the airport and is getting ready to embark on their first flight. As they get ready to board the plane and have an overnight flight, please join us in praying for their physical safety and health (and some good rest), and ask that God would be preparing their hearts to experience a new culture and engage in ministry.

We will update again when the team arrives and gets settled in Central America!