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Kayla Balangue

Update #3 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

We are so grateful today that we got to experience the Lord move amidst our time with the elderly women at the community center. We got to hear a special devotional message from the lead group facilitator and her story about the obedience of Mary in honor of Mother’s Day. We had the most beautiful and impacting opportunity to pray for EACH and every woman, mother and grandmother over their lives, family, and health. We were so loved on by these amazing obedient women of God; there were about 30-35 of them!
We also got to have a brief English teaching session and games with 10-12 yr old kids. They loved listening to our English and asked us funny questions about America. They especially loved looking at Lara’s big beautiful eyes. LOL
We ended the night with a nice evening dinner and honoring a birthday of one of the leaders of Pastor’s church
We are asking prayers for continued renewing of our bodies and to give us energy for the long days ahead. We are asking the Lord to guide our steps and help us to keep focused on what He has plans for us and fully trust what His will is for our trip here in South America.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #2 South America

By | 2024 Teams, South America

What’s up family and friends!! After a taking three planes and staying almost 2 days without sleeping, the South America team finally got to enjoy a good night of sleep! Our first day was filled with excitement of learning about the new culture and trying some new delicious food. We got to meet the leaders of the church that we will be serving alongside and also attended the Wednesday night church service. It was beautiful to see how the locals worship with all their heart and are on fire for God.

After church the Team went to get dinner and enjoyed some delicious South American pizza. Fun fact, in this area people don’t use their fingers to touch their food, so they use a fork and knife to eat pizza or sometimes disposable gloves. We have been praying and have prepared some great activities to do with the children and elderly ministry tomorrow- we are so excited! Thank you for all of your prayers!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #3 Eastern Europe

By | 2024 Teams, Eastern Europe

Days 3 and 4 

The last two days have been filled with joy serving the Ukrainian refugees and the people in this country. Our first full day at the church consisted of deep cleaning the chairs that were in the Meal room and the Devotional room. Another task was cutting up different vegetables for meal preps. During both of these task we were able to interact and get to know the refugees. 

We learned about their background and how they have been doing since having to move away from home. Some even expressed that they either have family that moved to another country and others who still have family back in their home country. It has been a lot for them but they are so grateful to have this ministry to open up and embrace them with warm hugs. 

Our second full day consisted of making lunch and dinner. For lunch we were able to serve leftovers of Chicken, potatoes, and soup which is a very common easy dish to have. For dinner we made a baked pasta, with homemade marinara, veggies, and baked cheese. We also made powdered sugar brownies. The pasta ended up being a top favorite, with people going back for seconds and thanking us for making the dinner for them. 

Seeing the smiles on each persons face has brought this team so much joy. We are so happy to be here, helping and loving on everyone. We can’t wait for each day to begin! 

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #3 Central America

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

We have had an amazing time here in Central America after our third day! The past two days we have started our day with coffee and breakfast and then devotional time led by our fieldworkers. Then we are bussed to the communities where we have the opportunity to install water filters and share the gospel with people. We are mixed up with the other universities and sent out in teams of 4-5 with a translator to different homes. Typically we get to speak with around 2 families before and after lunch each day. Afterwards, we went out for tacos and ice cream, and had the opportunity to continue to explore the city.

For us Jessup students, it has been incredibly encouraging to witness what God is doing, both in our own lives and in the people we have the pleasure of meeting. In our team debriefs, we have talked about how we have all been challenged to grow in our walk with the Lord and step out in faith to boldly declare the truths of the gospel. This has been an incredible experience for all of us, and we would love your continued prayer that we could love others well with all truth and boldness!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #1 Team South America is safe and settled!

By | 2024 Teams, South America

After three lengthy flights to get to their final destination, the team is safe and settling into their room. Even with not a lot of sleep on the flights and feeling a little tired, their spirits are high and they’re ready to take on their first day!

Join us in praying for them to regain energy and adjust well to the new culture as they settle in and meet those they will be doing ministry with.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #2 Eastern Europe

By | 2024 Teams, Eastern Europe

Our team began the first day by prayer walking through the city. Our team hosts guided us to various locations where we stopped to pray for specific topics. These included praying for the country’s leaders, and the next generation, and for pastors and local churches to unite in their mission to reach the lost in the city. It was neat to learn about the history of this country and how far they have come. Considering the country’s challenging past, it is important to have a basic understanding of its culture, especially when engaging in ministry. This prayer time not only allowed our team to bond and learn more about each other and our hosts, but it also provided us with a sense of the city and the people we will be serving during our time here.

After lunch, we had the opportunity to meet the pastor and leaders of the ministry we are serving with. They gave us a tour of the church and community center, where we saw the facilities that house and care for refugees from Ukraine. This church serves as a registered refugee location in the country. One of the attached photos shows the church sanctuary. This room had been converted into a bedroom for several refugees and their families. They have utilized every inch of this church to help serve refugees. Over the past 2 years, this church has assisted hundreds of refugees. Some church members even travel to the border of Ukraine and into the country to provide aid and support to those seeking shelter. Refugees who seek help from this church are welcome to stay for a while. During their time here, the ministry helps them find housing, and employment and assists college-age students in enrolling in the local university. It was encouraging to see many of the refugees actively serving at the church, engaging in tasks such as construction, cleaning, cooking, and assisting other refugees. We are excited to start serving alongside these dedicated volunteers and leaders today. Although our time here is short, our goal for these next two weeks is to be flexible, serve in any capacity possible, and be a source of encouragement to those we are serving.

Prayer Requests

– Pray for the refugees and leaders that we are serving. The word “exhausted” has been used a lot when describing their experiences coming here to this country for help. For those serving, they haven’t had a break in 2 years. They are thankful for teams like ours that come here to serve.

– We are doing well as a team. We are small but mighty! Pray that we continue to work well together and that the Lord will allow our unique gifts to be used during this time.

Team South America is departing!

By | 2024 Teams, South America

Our third Global Outreach team of the summer is now on their way to South America! Please join us in praying for their safety on these next couple of flights and for their health (physical, mental, and spiritual) while they are serving overseas. We trust that the Lord has some incredible things planned for this team and we are excited to see Him move!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #2 Central America

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

Hola friends and family! We had an awesome first day in Central America. We had trainings with the other universities in the morning and then we were sent out in teams in the afternoon to install water filters in homes and share the love of Jesus with people we met! Our highlight so far has definitely been how incredible it was to hear the locals testimonies and have the opportunity to learn more about their lives and their culture. In the evening we went out for ice cream in the town square. We tried some wacky flavors (Jess had parmesan walnut ice cream – gross).

Much love from the Central America team!

Update #1 Team Eastern Europe is safe and settled!

By | 2024 Teams, Eastern Europe

After a couple lengthy flights over the Atlantic and Europe, our team has made it to their destination in Eastern Europe! They are enjoying some dinner and heading to their apartment to get some much needed rest for the night. Join us in praying for them to get rest tonight and to wake up tomorrow with all of the excitement and energy they need to get started in their ministry with refugees!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Update #1 Team Central America is safe and settled!

By | 2024 Teams, Central America

After a couple of late/early flights, the team has landed safely at their destination in Central America! They are meeting up with some other university teams now to go to their hotel together and begin their ministry.

Praise God for safe travels! Be praying that they would adjust well to this new country and culture and gain some energy to start the week! The team will send an update in the next couple of days.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.