Our second Global Outreach team of the summer is now off to the airport to start their two weeks in Eastern Europe! This team is small but mighty and has already practiced so much flexibility. Please join us in praying for their safety as they travel, and for their health (spiritual, mental, and physical) while they are on the trip. Pray for the team to bond together on this trip as they serve the church and the refugees that they will encounter. We trust that the Lord is close and is already moving in and through them!
We will update again once they have arrived safely in Eastern Europe!
If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.
Praise God! Our first Global Outreach team of the summer is off to the airport to start their two weeks in Central America! Five team members left from campus and the other three will meet them at the airport. Please join us in praying for their safety as they travel, and for their health (spiritual, mental, and physical) while they are on the trip. Pray for the team to continue to draw near to the Lord, and to be filled up by his presence as they pour out in service, meeting the physical need of access to clean water in Central America.
We will update again once they have arrived safely in Central America!
If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.
The team is together & ready to fly! Pray they get some sleep on the planes. 🙂
Hello to our family and friends, This is the last update (written by Erin so I can brag on the team) We are *now* home after a very full and rewarding trip to Cambodia. I couldn’t be more proud of this team. These ladies worked hard! We painted diligently and strategically to complete the murals at the AIM school in the capital city and they look great. We worked together with the amazing AIM staff in the second location and enjoyed connecting with the community during Lotus Kids Club. There are so many instances of God’s faithfulness that we can’t wait to tell you about in person. Please ask us for details! See you soon! 🙂
(Praise God for the safe arrival of this team back in the states and for a blessed trip! Please keep the team in your prayers as they adjust to life back home, get over jet lag, and begin to process and debrief all that they saw and experienced on this trip. Thank you all!)
Hi! This is an update from our team written by Virina and Roosmarie.
Over the last three evenings, we spent two of them having dinner at two different restaurants that support the community. I love how these companies are committed to treating the staff fairly and friendly, they are eco-responsible, and have quality food. I love their ethical values of operating the restaurant and how they hire disadvantaged people for their staff. The foods are very delicious and very creative as they integrate different cuisine styles while remain their traditional dishes. I felt honored to support these restaurants and hope to see more of these enterprises create a better community in the nation. We were also able to support people here by using an all-women tuk tuk company for our transportation this week. The lady drivers told us that we are strong ladies! They also thanked us for supporting them as an all-women’s group ourselves.
One thing we did at the school we volunteered at was having a devotional time with the staff. We took turns leading worship songs and sharing devotionals with the staff with the help of staff translating. We all enjoyed praising the Lord regardless of our language. I (Virina) was amazed by how God used me in this section. During the first day at the facility, I was not asked to share a devotional until an hour before. I was lost and did not know what to share. Perhaps the devotional we did that morning? Or the devotional I did before? I didn’t have my Bible with me which made me more frustrated. However, God always provides. As I asked God about what to share, a verse from Psalm 46 appeared in my mind. I had peace in choosing this chapter as I read through it. After the devotional, the translator told me how the staff here like Psalms a lot and how it gives them hope, and they felt thankful for me sharing the message.
When we went out into the communities each day, we taught songs, bible stories, and shared snacks with the local people. It was so fun to see how the kids and parents were excited and having fun with the things that we and the staff brought to them. I saw how God’s word and power moved in a community. The village that we served for all three days got more involved day by day. Seeing how the activity started with mostly kids and a few mothers to having more kids and parents (including dads!) join this program showed how God attracts His people to come and know Him. We are honored to be the bridge and help the community in learning about God. People here are very nice and they show a lot of respect to their neighbors and people who they just met. We learned a lot from them! Even though working with kids is not my strong suit, I (Roosmarie) was happy to see that the children enjoyed my company. I was honored to serve and bless them even if I struggled to work with them. It was a blessing to see their childlike joy no matter my strengths. Either way, God used me to help serve the children and their community.
At our last day of helping the school, we were excited that we were asked to teach the preschoolers there a song and craft just like we did in the community. Seeing how joyous the children were despite the situations they may have been in was encouraging. They had so much laughter and creativity as we shared our song and craft. I do not think that any of us wanted the day to end as we went into the community for the last time. Regardless, it was a blessing to serve the children, staff, and community. We had become better bonded with the staff over the last three days. We and the staff gave each other blessing words and thoughts of encouragement, expressing all of our gratitude, before being given a farewell gift and saying goodbye.
I think all of us on the team can agree that these last few days (and the whole trip) have been a blessing to us. We are so humbled that we were able to serve such an incredible ministry. We can see that there is so much more to come for this place and are honored that we were able to be a part of it.
This is Brittany here with an update from Southeast Asia. There have been many blessings so far on our trip and we have definitely seen God move here.
Our first project was to support our partners‘ school with a beautiful mural for the students and the staff. In four and a half days, our team was able to see the mural to the finish. The past couple of days have consisted of tracing the designs on the walls, painting them, and going back and touching up. The biggest blessing of this project has been seeing the staff join us in painting. It truly brought our entire team much joy and happiness seeing how excited the staff and students were.
We also had the opportunity to have amazing coffee each day. We always looked forward to stopping by this store and get an iced coffee because the shop owners were so sweet and kind to us. Hannah drew them a picture of iced coffee to give them for our last day in the area.
On our last day at the school, the staff surprised us with a special blessing where they sang to us reminding us we are all part of God’s family. Then they gave each of our team members a scarf, which is traditional to this country in Southeast Asia. It was a beautiful surprise and we have been so blessed to witness their happiness and joy for the mural. We couldn’t have asked for a better end to our time at the school.
On Saturday, we had another culture day. Our driver, B, is truly another blessing to us and brings our team so much joy and laughter. He is not only our transportation each day, but a history and tour guide, teaching us about Southeast Asian culture. We always laugh at his jokes and stories, and we also make him laugh. He especially likes my (Brittany’s) laugh.
For our culture day, we started at the Russian market. It’s huge! This is where the team got most of our personal souvenirs and gifts for family and friends. There were things like palm sugar, coffee, dried mango, varieties of pepper, handmade shirts, bags, etc. The team had a lot of fun there and spent almost 4 hours wandering through all the shops at the market. It was an incredible experience.
We then stopped for lunch and had some amazing fried rice, sweet potato fries, curry, stir fried noodles, cookies, and shaved ice. We then visited the National Museum where again our driver, B, filled us in on the history. We saw many religious statutes and artifacts belonging to the country.
The team then visited a Buddhist temple, Wat Phenom. It is a very important place for the people here and they measure distance all over the country from its center. It was a powerful and challenging experience for some of us. Going into the temple gave us the opportunity to pray for the people there.
After visiting the temple, we took a boat ride on the river. Our driver, B, once again was a wealth of knowledge about the Mekong River and the surrounding geography. During the river cruise, it started pouring and we all embraced it while blasting worship music on the boat. The experience was peaceful and exciting all at the same time. Some of us did get super wet, including myself and Jenna who loved the rain.
After going back to the hotel to freshen up, we ended our Saturday night with Mediterranean food. We tried hummus, which was amazing. Although I (Brittany) typically have never liked hummus, last night changed my perspective! We also tried some chicken skewers, ground beef skewers, and mini shawarma’s. We also had a little friend visit at dinner, a cricket. It kept jumping from any point until it landed on our table which made a couple of us jump. We ended up placing a cup on it before it could continue jumping from table to table. It was an exciting dinner experience. 😉
The team also recorded a video of reading a Psalm for Brittany’s church.
On Sunday, we packed up our things to take a bus to our next destination. We had a bit of a bus delay but ended up getting into a bus to take us on a 6 hour drive to our next destination. We are excited to see how God is going to continue working in our team and the amazing things He is doing in Southeast Asia.
We started our day very early on Monday taking Tuk Tuks at 4:30AM to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat (one of the 7 Wonders of the world!) It was worth losing a little sleep to see and experience such a beautiful sight. It was such a special time to pray together for this place and for our field workers. We also visited 3 other temples and prepped for Kids Club tomorrow.
We have been immensely blessed by the opportunity to serve in Southeast Asia and we continue to ask for prayer in health, safety as we travel, and prayers for this country and the people here. That’s all for now and thank you for praying and supporting our Southeast Asia team!
The Caribbean team landed safely in Sacramento around 2am Sunday morning after one more slight flight delay! We are thankful that they are back home safe, healthy, and with full hearts reflecting on their experience in the Caribbean.
Thank you for your prayers for this team as they began the trip with some crazy flight delays and jumped right into ministry, willing to be used by God in new and surprising ways! Please continue to pray for them and ask how you can support them as they navigate reverse culture shock and discern what the Lord has next for them.
Make sure to reach out and ask them about their trip, listen to their experiences, and find out how you can pray for them individually now that they are home! We thank you all!
On Thursday, after dinner our team took a walk in the neighborhood behind the SI base. It took us a while to find the key to the gate. Turned out it was literally a key labeled “back gate key”. Next, we had to find the gate which took us through a mini garden giving us major “Secret Garden” vibes.
The walk was very pretty but most of it was steep hills. There were different villas throughout the walk. At one point, we stopped because we were couldn’t walk anymore. We were about to turn back, but Spencer ran ahead and came back saying that it was a really cool view of the mountains just over the hill. We made our way with three huge dogs pacing us behind a barbed fence. They looked like they totally could’ve jumped the fence.
The view really was breathtaking. The sunset was gorgeous and there were also cows grazing just behind the fence.
During the rest of the team time, we talked and had the opportunity to paint a brick in the chapel. SI base has a chapel with brick walls and every team that comes can paint something on a brick as a memory. We painted a croc with different memory jibbits from our trip.
On Friday, Jordynn’s team went to get their nails done, Harpreet and Cheyanne’s team went out to eat, Spencer, Sofiya and Mark went to their regular site to hang out with the kids, and Alyssa edited the trip video at the base and then went to the river with her team.
After everyone was back, we got our phones back and Sofiya and Alyssa could finally post a BeReal!
We got ready for our last dinner which was a banquet dinner. We had chicken Alfredo, rice and pork chops. We had all of our site leaders and their families also join us for the night.
After dinner, we had presentation night, where we worshipped, shared our experiences and the media team shared a very beautiful spoken word and photo presentation as well as the outreach video. SI pastor shared a message and prayed over us as we headed home.
At the end, we had cake, coffee and our site leaders gave us cards with our team photos and a letter for each of us. It was really sweet.
At 10:30, we headed to our cabins and started packing for our 4 am departure. Most of us decided we weren’t going to sleep but we were all out by 1 am and were able to take a short nap.
At just before 4 am, we threw our suitcases into the bus (literally through a window) and headed for the airport, hearts full with joy over our experience in the Caribbean.
The Central Europe team landed safely in Sacramento just before midnight on Friday night. Coming back with full hearts after some wild adventures and incredible ministry, we are grateful that the Lord kept them safe and healthy and with lots of stories to share now that they’re home!
Thank you for praying for this team and for following along with their trip! Please continue to pray for them even as they return home and experience reverse culture shock. Pray that they would have time and space to reflect on their experiences both alone and in community with their loved ones, and that the Lord would continue to reveal to them their next steps in life and ministry.
Reach out to your team member to ask them about their experience and learn how you can pray for and support them individually as they re-enter the US! Thank you all!
Hi everyone! Welcome back to our final in-country blog update. It has been a whirlwind of a trip, but there has been so much to reflect on. Starting where the last blog left off, we picked up work again at the farm, excited because we have completed more than our local friends had anticipated! Isaac wants me (Soph) to say that he and Noah weeded a field with a sickle (a “sharp murder tool”), while the rest of the team got leeks and peppers planted just in time, and we were able to plow a field for the next set of crops that will go towards a women’s’ shelter!
After the farm, we started a new camp just for two days, with slightly older kids, and it was amazing as well. We got to worship alongside some very talented musicians in their group, play soccer in a big stadium, make friendship bracelets, and take our Bible skits on their final tour (until we reenact them with you 😉 We arrived in the middle of a thunderstorm for the last day, which made our lesson about Noah’s Ark and the flood very realistic! God knew our lesson plan 😉
Because that was our last camp, we had another round of heartfelt goodbyes. We fell in love with each group of kids this trip, and will carry their names and stories with us from now on. However, we look forward to lifting them up in prayer for years to come, and maybe we’ll meet again!
We have been studying love, patience and faithfulness alongside our campers, and have been learning a lot about ourselves and our faith as this trip comes to a close. We spent yesterday debriefing and decompressing, reflecting on the people and experiences that have made the trip what it is. We are truly grateful to have gotten to this point (and impressed at the lack of fighting even when we are tired! This is truly a dream team). We also got to check out a bath house yesterday and soak in hot springs mineral water!
After debriefing, we got to have a traditional Eastern European dinner last night at a restaurant, celebrating with the family and field workers that have been integral to our ministry and our encouragement. That tasty dinner was followed by a jubilant session of local folk dancing! (not to mention a couple American songs that got slipped in, like Cotton Eyed Joe). It was a sweet and celebratory end to our time here.
Today we all spent the morning cleaning (and the ladies’ apartment was blasting Taylor Swift’s new release to stay motivated). We are finally all packed up! We are at the airport now, full of stories and excited to come home but knowing this place will be hard to leave.
And, on behalf of the students on this team, we adore & want to thank our fearless leaders Farnum and Myrna Smith, the most adventurous, supportive, grounded, and compassionate people we could ever have been blessed by. We know we are your favorite team ever 😉
Thank you, family and friends, for your support and continued prayers as we embark on the last leg of our trip. We will see you soon 🙂 Slava na boga! (Praise God!)
After an eventful weekend, each of us went back to our ministry sites.
At Education, on Monday, we had a very chill day and just planned for the week ahead. This week, Mark, Spencer and Sofiya are leading all the activities. On Tuesday, we taught the kids a lesson about Jacob wrestling with God. We arm wrestled each other and played games inside because it was raining. On Wednesday, we had a slip-n’-slide and water balloons. The kids were very excited to be splashed and we had to refill several 5 gallon water jugs for them. We did not get on the slip-n-slide because we were filling water balloons, but the kids got all of us wet. Mark had to chuck his phone across the yard so it doesn’t get wet. When it was time for water balloons, the kids had to answer a Bible question correctly to get a balloon popped over their head. They got very disappointed whenever they did not answer the questions correctly and had to get in the back of the line. After water balloons, the kids split up into two teams and played tug-a-war but the catch was that the rope was soapy. Mark and Spencer joined the teams and Mark’s team won twice. But no thanks to him. He said he didn’t even pull on the rope.
At Medical, Monday, July 3: Harpreet and Cheyanne went to the hospital clinic in which they saw about 10 patients. On the first patient, Harpreet got to feel the head of a baby in the womb at 33 weeks. Additionally, they both used the ultrasound to see the heart of the baby, hear the child’s heartbeat, and saw a pap smear. Cheyanne assisted in birth control implant removal. During the afternoon, after having lunch in the plaza, we had a home visit to a mother in the community and two-year-old’s house who was super sweet and gave us candy and repetitively said “please don’t leave, I don’t want you guys to leave.”
Tuesday, July 4: In the morning, we visited a student international clinic in the mountains where we saw patient’s from the village community in the mountains. Harpreet and Cheyanne did check in and blood pressure and heart rate. We also had lunch there made by the owner’s wife who made extremely delicious food – plantains, beef stew, rice, and salad. During the afternoon, we toured the local hospital and clinics.
Wednesday, July 5: Today we visited the second student international clinic in the community at Dr. G’s church, where we saw a few patients due to the immigration control officers being out in the community. Cheyanne and Harpreet got to distribute medications to the patients today. After lunch, they visited the local hospital clinic and saw a patient in which we removed another birth control implant. After clinic, we went shopping in the market to buy Sofiya souvenirs.
For the media site, Alyssa visited 7 different sites in the span of 3 days to get as much video and picture content they could for the end-of-the-week video presentation.
• Baseball where she got to watch the kids play a Baseball game!
• Special Education
• Mata Gorda Education Site where she tried a chicken foot and met the cutest little girl named Brini
• Assisted Technology where she met the cutest little bunny ever
• El Callejon Education Site where Mark and Sofiya played charades with the kids
• Volleyball
• Medical site where their lead physician led worship before checking in patients and Cheyanne gave a devotional.
On Tuesday she started editing her recap montage that she’s going to present to everyone Friday and it looks so cool! She is having a BLAST with media 🙂
At Volleyball, we were very hands on. I wasn’t really sure what to expect for the site, but we really just got to play volleyball with different kids ranging from 7 to 19. Depending on the practice we would be assigned different tasks. With the girls varsity we practiced with them and it was like we were just a part of the team. On our second to last site day, we got to coach the Jv girls and I made them do some conditioning with wall sits. It was a mix of a setting drill and conditioning.
The boys team was always trash talking us girls. Don’t worry we talked to our site leader to learn our own DR slang to throw at them. In the youngest girls, there is a 7-year-old girl, N, who is so spirited and just a big ball of mischief and wonder. She would have us all high five her and then she would charge us and try to tickle us. She did this every day for two weeks straight. Despite that, she was always so dedicated and always wanted to learn, even if it was on her own time. I completely adore all of the tiny gremlins I have served. Over this mission, I haven’t been too sure of why God sent me here in all honesty. After loads of prayers, worshipping and simply spending time with the community, I realized that just being here is enough and having the opportunity to teach these kids and spread the word of God to them is like nothing else. It is so cool that even with a huge language barrier, with volleyball and the Lord, we don’t need words. God simply shines despite that. We also got DR ice cream today, which was more like a popsicle, but I will always accept an excuse for sweets. (Jordynn)
On Monday after dinner we had a poverty simulation game. Everyone was split up into teams which represented families. Each family was given different amounts of money and had to make ends meet here in the Caribbean on different incomes. Women worked in cleaning, men in agriculture or construction, and children in shoe shine or for an extra fee went to school. Before each round ended, each family member had to eat and drink, families had to pay rent and draw a life happens card which could be good or bad. There was also a CDC where families could get benefits. Alyssa and Harpreet’s families ended up losing their house because they could not pay rent. Cheyanne and Spencer were in a family together and did pretty well. Mark let his youngest kid die because they could not afford food. Jordynn’s family did illegal stuff to survive. Sofiya’s family stole money from Mark’s family so one of their kids could eat. Technically they could’ve paid it back later because they ended up doing not all too terrible, but they forgot. It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot and would like to keep helping our sites here so they can minister to the community here.
On Tuesday, we had a 4th of July party! We had hot dogs for dinner and then went outside to play volleyball and corn hole. There was music playing and Mark was the DJ. A fan favorite. There was a very pretty sunset which we got to see from the lookout tower. We came back down and Cheyanne and Jordynn were dancing to “Firework” when two little girls ran over to them and took their hands to dance together. It was very cute. After sunset, we had sparklers and glow sticks and a bit later we had a private firework show just for us. We partied it up to everyone’s favorite music and finished the night on a very good note with “I Thank God”.
On Wednesday, we had a worship night where everyone could spend their own time with God. There were candles lit and worship music playing. We were reading our Bible, journaling, painting. Everyone was praying for each other and singing along to the worship music. In the end, everyone got in a circle and worshipped and we again ended the night with “I Thank God” which has become kind of like a theme song for us. It was such a blessed time with the Lord and we all were spiritually filled for the last couple days of the trip and as we had back home.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Please pray for us as we wrap up our time in the Caribbean and especially for there to be no delays getting back to Sacramento in the next couple days.