As we come to the end of our trip, the team and I reflect on our impact and growth over the past two weeks; collectively and individually. We have created bonds with the staff and children at HOH that will never be like anything else. Goodbyes are always hard, but Lauren gave an encouraging devotion about how to embrace change and look to a bright future. Before we left HOH, we were celebrated with a ceremony along with lots of hugs, tears, laughter, encouragement and love.
Some other highlights before our last goodbyes were: planting rice in fields (where we all got super muddy), hiking to an amazing waterfall followed by swimming, traveling to an unforgettable viewpoint while gazing at the rolling hills of the island, and overall made the most of loving and sharing time with the kiddos and staff at the House of Hope. I think all of us can say confidently that God is moving in that place and that the island has much to look forward to regarding the next generation of strong, Christ-following leaders.
-Natalie Sexauer
These last 2 weeks have felt like 2 days (it went by SO quick) but also felt like 2 years (friendships that have felt like a lifetime). We are so grateful to the HOH and all of you that helped make this trip possible. We get to see you so soon and we cannot wait! Please pray for us as we start our journeys home and have to say our goodbyes to each other. Bali is beautiful but we are ready for Cali!