Update #8 Southeast Asia A

Hi friends and family! The morning started off as a slow morning of preparation and quiet time with God. We then went and got some bread from a panaderia across the street!

We practiced worship for the youth service and made friendship bracelets for the youth we would meet tonight. 

Then, we were headed for the long (ish) trek to Tondo, the most densely populated and underdeveloped slum in this area. We took a van ride, two trains, a Jeepney, and a walk to get to Tondo. 

In Tondo, we hosted Youth Lab, which is their version of youth group that is focused on breaking cycles. There were about 50 teenagers—these teenagers are on fire for the Lord and it was amazing! We hosted the ice breaker, the games, and JD, Danyelle, and Karina led the group in worship. 

Afterward, we hung out with the group and began the trek back home. We got back around 10:00 PM! It was a long day, but so so sweet and the presence of the Holy Spirit was so strongly felt. 

The next day was our off day! We spent our off day exploring caves and playing in a water fall! It was incredibly fun and relaxing. 

Then, we came back and everyone at the organization had a giant dinner and some worship at the children’s home here! We tried some….interesting foods, that’s for sure! Lastly, we ended our day off with a wonderful (sarcasm….) game of mao. 

Mahal kokiyo (love you all) and we greatly appreciate your prayers. 

Southeast Asia A Team 

2 responses to “Update #8 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    I love your updates! It’s so cool to see believers in other countries! It’s such a blessing to see how God is using you all! We are praying over you!

  2. Oma Sue says:

    What a fun day that looked like! You deserved it! Continuing to hold you all up in prayers..
    May God protect you from ALL harm, accidents, injuries and illnesses… May He equip you with super natural Holy Spirit power to continue on, in this last half of your ministry there, giving you endless joy and grateful hearts as you continue to serve Him each day. You are loved, prayed for and adored!!
    Blessings, Oma Sue