Update #6 Southeast Asia A

Hello friends and family! Today was day 5 and we had an awesome and eventful day.

After we had breakfast this morning we got to help cook lots of Lu gau and load it into buckets to be taken to several different feeding locations!

We got to join a pretty large group and take some food to a local jail. We all piled into a Jeep-nee and I was hanging on the outside of the back because it was so full.

When we arrived at the jail it was pretty crazy to see the conditions that criminals live in here. We shared the gospel with all the prisoners and then we got to feed each one of them Lu Gau. The girls on our team got to pray with each of the female prisoners as well. They were all so happy to see us. We aren’t able to show many pictures inside the jail due to the law here, but here is a group photo of us! 

After the jail ministry we headed back to base camp and the boys began helping with some more demolition for the new dorms to be built. Farnum learned how to drive a 3 on the tree transmission truck full of concrete and helped us take the loads to the site where the ministry is building a hospital. The girls helped cook dinner and made some ma sarap (delicious) Pesto chicken pasta for dinner.

After that JD helped one of the young adult worship leaders here change his guitar strings and we did devotions. It was another great day!

Thank you for your prayers and support! 

– Chris

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

3 responses to “Update #6 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    I love hearing all the different ways God is using you to share His love and the Gospel with so many. We continually pray over you! God bless!

  2. Oma Sue says:

    Praying for continued strength, protection, grace and the Holy Spirits power to help you through each day… Blessings and love…. Oma Sue

  3. Gina Diehl says:

    hahahaha Chris you fit right in with the youth group sending in “eye” shots to the youth chat! We miss you bubba! SO blessed to be apart of this Journey with you guys. continued prayers going up! Just prayed for you all here at our CEF Tuesday morning Staff meeting.