Update #10 South America

On our last couple of days serving at two different hospitals we had the privilege of feeling like royalties during our visit. The leadership and staff were so warm and welcoming. They gave us a tour of the facility along with tea crumpets. Our nursing team members got the opportunity to be hands on and take vitals signs for the moms in active labor, listen to the baby’s heartbeat with the Doppler machine and learned from the staff nurses how to assess the positioning of the baby in the mother’s womb. They also got to hold a premature baby and feed them and see how they apply phototherapy for premature babies with jaundice. It was beautiful to see one of our team members communicating in sign language to a lovely deaf couple at the hospital. 
Our highlights also included receiving a tour of the hospital areas and getting to work alongside doctors and nurses in the ER and the Med-Surg floor. One of our team members got to change central lines dressing and had the opportunity to feed patients as if she was feeding Jesus. These two days were very busy and it included lots of direct assistance and lots of prayers during the visits. While at the second hospital, our team got the opportunity to do post-mortem care on a patient who had just passed and helped console the family and pray over them. All in all this was a very fruitful day loving on others, being a light and learning skills that our nursing team members will bring back home in preparation for their next semester in the nursing program.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

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