Update #6 South America

Hey family and friends! Today was filled with smiles as we hosted a party for the impoverish children of the community. Our team, along side some church volunteers provided and organized a variety of activities in which included a soap soccer inflatable, snacks (popcorn, cotton candy…), face painting, and a nutrition and hygiene lesson. Each child had the opportunity to see a nutritionist and a dentist that came. With all the kind donations our team received from you guys (thank you all so much), we were able to provide the kids with a gift bag with toothbrush, toothpaste and floss plus each child also received a a diary (My secrets with Jesus). The team enjoyed worshiping, loving and blessing those children. We left the school with full hearts as we saw the children leaving with huge smiles and amazing memories that we will all carry in our hearts forever!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

One response to “Update #6 South America”

  1. Mama G says:

    We love these updates! May God continue to lead, guide, and surprise you!