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Update #11 Team Southeast Asia A is back home!

After a long night with little sleep, our Southeast Asia A team has made it back to the states safe and sound! Please continue to pray for the team as…

Update #10 Southeast Asia A

hi friends and family!! Today we woke up early to take multiple Jeepneys and trains to get to Tondo so we could visit Smoky Mountain. Smoky Mountain is a community…

Update #9 Southeast Asia A

Today was a crazy day, in the morning we went to a home for formerly abused and trafficked children and brought food and talked with them and just spent time…

Update #8 Southeast Asia A

Hi friends and family! The morning started off as a slow morning of preparation and quiet time with God. We then went and got some bread from a panaderia across…

Update #7 Southeast Asia A

Hey everyone, this blog is being written by cooper everyone’s favorite child on this trip apparently. Thanks a lot Taylor 🙄. We have had an amazing trip so far doing so…

Update #6 Southeast Asia A

Hello friends and family! Today was day 5 and we had an awesome and eventful day. After we had breakfast this morning we got to help cook lots of Lu…

Update #5 Southeast Asia A

Hi family and friends!! Thank you for your continued prayers for our team! We are having an incredible time as we are getting into the rhythm of serving. It has…

Update #4 Southeast Asia A

Hello friends and family, Thank you for your continued prayers! Our team is thriving here in Southeast Asia and we are all sleeping well and healthy which is a gift…

Update #3 Southeast Asia A

what’s up brothers  Today after breakfast our team decided to take a tricycle ride to get some starbucks to start off our day. and here we have two basic white…

Update #2 Southeast Asia A

Kamustaka! Danyelle here with a blog post for Day 1!  Today is what we called “jetlag day”— we are 15 hours ahead! We arrived at base around 1:00 am and…

2 responses to “Southeast Asia A: Family & Children’s Ministry”

  1. Armida Abarca says:

    I will be praying for your team for safe travels, protection and provision during your stay. And open hearts to God’s word and for opportunities to share Christ salvation.

  2. Oma Sue says:

    We are praying for you all! Protection, strength, wisdom, Holy Spirit power and God confidence too! Big hugs especially to Chris & Danyelle. Our grandchildren… God bless you all!!

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