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Update #7 Team Central America is home!

We had our last full day of ministry on Wednesday and it was so sweet! It was clear that God was moving and that he will continue to move even…

Update #6 Central America

Hi friends and family, we miss you out here! It’s crazy to think we only have two days left of our global trip. The past few days we have gone…

Update #5 Central America

Yesterday we had a safe and short flight over to our second country. It is very, very humid and hot here but spirits are good and we are excited to…

Update #4 Central America

We wrapped up our time of ministry in our first country on Thursday. As a group, we distributed 97 filters and shared the gospel with 129 people in our four…

Update #3 Central America

We have had an amazing time here in Central America after our third day! The past two days we have started our day with coffee and breakfast and then devotional…

Update #2 Central America

Hola friends and family! We had an awesome first day in Central America. We had trainings with the other universities in the morning and then we were sent out in…

Update #1 Team Central America is safe and settled!

After a couple of late/early flights, the team has landed safely at their destination in Central America! They are meeting up with some other university teams now to go to…

Team Central America is departing!

Praise God! Our first Global Outreach team of the summer is off to the airport to start their two weeks in Central America! Five team members left from campus and…

4 responses to “Central America: Water Filter Ministry”

  1. John R Yover says:

    Good luck and GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU❤️

  2. Ken Kroeker says:

    What a great mission to be on serving people who will now have basic needs, clean water, available. You are in my daily prayers as you bless these people and in turn are blessed.

  3. Mel says:

    May God’s love and grace follow you in your journey, and may His Word strengthen you and continue to be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. God bless you all.

  4. Ely Quintanilla says:

    I’m so excited for you guys!!! I know the Lord has an amazing plan for you all and I’m so excited to hear about your trip!!
    Ps. Ily Bianca !

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