Update #1 Team Southeast Asia is safe & settled!

Team Southeast Asia made it to their destination late Friday night CA time, and midday SE Asia time! Join us in praying for them as they get settled into their hotel and ease into the time change, the new culture, and the ministry!

We are so excited to see all that the Lord will do in and through them in these next two weeks! We will update again in a couple days when the team has a post ready.

4 responses to “Update #1 Team Southeast Asia is safe & settled!”

  1. Michelle and Derek Ellison ❤ says:

    Praise the Lord! Delivered safely to Cambodia! One huge answer to prayer:)

  2. Donna O’Dell says:

    Very proud and excited for all of you.

  3. Debbie Miller says:

    Praying for you!

  4. Dena self says:

    May God rain down his spirit on all