Update #9 East Africa

In the last 24hrs we had the amazing opportunity to go on a safari and see God’s creation. We went on 2 game drives guided by a guy named Abdul where we saw:

– Wildebeests – Zebra herds – Warthogs – Giraffe – Herd of Ostrich – Elephant herds – Dikdik – Eland herd – Empale herds – Baboon herd – Cape buffalo – Elephant skull – Superb sterling bird – Tawny eagle – Water buck – Mongoose – Genet (little cat like lemur) – Vervet monkey – Leopard – Honey badgers – Shrike birds – Hyena cub – Jackal (dog) – Clip Springer antelope – Go away bird – Vulture – Hippo – Sacred Ibis birds – Ground hornbill – Mongoose – Lion pride (8 chilling under a tree) (list courtesy of Alyssa but shortened it because so many birds)

It’s very cool to have done something as once a life time as this for the second time. I loved sharing this adventure with my team. We ate lunch after safari and swam in the lodge pool. And are now heading back to courage cafe for dinner on a 3 and 1/2 hour ride. Tomorrow is our last day and we’re all going to miss the girls and East Africa so much. Going to be lots of crying tomorrow.

Little bonus funny quote: Guide – hippos don’t like the sun they burn easily Matt- I can relate to that

– Tabitha

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