Update #8 East Africa

Today was absolutely amazing. We started the day off with a double devotion. The first devotional was from mama M and the second was from two of the CLA (Courage Leadership Academy) girls who led us in two songs of worship. Mama M, in her devotional, had talked about how we live in both a spiritual and a physical world. Her main messaged revolved around how when the physical world does not treat us right, we must open our eyes to the spiritual world and recognize how on our side Jesus is. Her devotional also highlighted how important it is to trust in the name of the Lord so that He can help fight our battles. This devotional was really touching and led some of the CLA girls to share parts of their story. We couldn’t be more grateful that they feel comfortable enough to share with us.

After devotionals, our team headed to courage house to see the younger ones! We sang lots of worship songs and praised the Lord. We taught them a new song with hand motions and we all had a blast! After being at Courage House for a few hours, we left to go see a movie with the CLA girls. The little movie theatre we had went to, was located in the center of a little amusement park! We watched the movie Queen of Katway. It was powerful and tear-jerking and most of the girls could relate to it.

Once the movie had finished, we got in the car and headed to the Church we had attended on Sunday because some of the girls from both CLA and Courage House were getting baptized. We played games and hung out for a while before the baptisms. A total of 33 girls had made a public declaration of their faith today. Watching each and everyone of those girls be baptized was so powerful. Each one had been showered in cheering, clapping, love and excitement once they came up out of the water. We were truly blessed to be apart of such a beautiful thing. I pray that God continues to work through these girls each and every day.


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